Wednesday, April 15, 2020
Research Paper Topics for College
Research Paper Topics for CollegeResearch paper topics are extremely important for the future of your career. With the economy in such a bad place, you need to prepare yourself for a world of continuous change and for this reason it is imperative that you select your topics well in advance. It is extremely important to have an idea about what types of topics will be appropriate for your academic future.The two main types of paper topics that you can choose from are those that fit the academic profile of your discipline. The main questions to ask yourself before selecting your topic is whether the topic fits with the intended course of study for which you are applying. If you are applying for a Masters Degree then you are going to have to pick a topic that is similar to the course syllabus. Do not waste time on writing a paper topic that is very different from the syllabus for your degree.The next question that you should ask yourself is what type of subject you are interested in. Alt hough this may seem obvious, it is important to choose a topic that is different from your usual course of study. There are some topics that you may be interested in but which have little or no relevance to your course of study.For example, if you are studying Spanish literature then you could choose to write a paper about Shakespeare but this does not mean that you would be writing about a biography of William Shakespeare. You may also want to write a paper about Rembrandt or something of that nature but then you must take into account how interesting a topic this would be for the general public. Just as the topic you chose for your English or History paper will matter when applying for a PhD, the same holds true for the research paper topics.After you have chosen the topic, you will want to write the paper. Many people choose to write their papers entirely on their own so that they can create the best possible topic. However, if you are working under a deadline, you will want to l ook at examples of other papers so that you can make an informed decision as to whether or not your topic is suitable for your area of study.Once you have picked the topic, the next step is to choose the format that you will use to write the paper. Generally speaking, MLA style papers will require a higher level of scholarship and creativity than AP style papers. A downside to AP style papers is that they tend to be more formal. Therefore, students who are in a hurry will be able to get away with AP style papers if they do not have enough time to properly write a complex essay.MLA style paper is best suited for business students or those who are in a position to afford to write the paper. The disadvantage to writing a paper for MLA style is that the topics tend to be more specific. There is very little room for creativity in the form of a novel or theme in MLA style. If you are looking for a challenge then AP style papers will provide you with great writing opportunities and a more adventurous topic.So, the most important thing to remember when choosing unique research paper topics is to have an idea about what you want to write about. Do not worry about creating a topic that is totally unique because there are a number of topics out there that will give you all the freedom you need to create your own masterpiece.
Monday, April 13, 2020
College Essay Writing Directly to the Reader
College Essay Writing Directly to the ReaderCollege essay writing directly to the reader requires a certain form of diction, structure and tone that many writers are quick to forget. It is the difference between being polished and being plain. Writing direct to the reader is not an easy task, but it is necessary if you want to become a great writer. Because the question of how to write a college essay for the student is not something you can just ignore, we will discuss some tips that you should take into consideration.The first thing you must do is to make sure you're reading between the lines. It may seem trivial at first, but your readers are going to ask you a lot of questions. You cannot possibly cover everything that they have asked. So, take your time, answer their questions and give them a clear reason for why you believe you're right.It is not the same as writing a college essay for the student. Although writing to the reader is necessary, you must also have a focus. You mus t find a way to tell a story. Do not write a story for your reader; you must tell the story for your reader.It's a huge mistake to write a long story with no beginning and no end. You should come up with a beginning and a conclusion. This will tie everything together and make things easier. People always remember the beginning and end.Direct speech, and anecdotes are very effective in college essays. If you're asking a question, talk about what you know. Your purpose here is to answer the question that the person asking you is trying to answer. Avoid talking about yourself or your situation.In the story you want to tell, never lose focus. You need to continue to tell the story in a logical sequence. Never end a paragraph in the middle. Always make sure the next paragraph begins in the correct position.The structure of a college essay is very important, and this is why so many students mess it up. They get out all their thoughts in the first paragraph and then never finish their sent ences. It is very important to be concise. Take a minute to look over your paper before you start and make sure you are using the correct structure.In summary, keep in mind that the main point of the essay is to tell a story. Asking questions, delivering straight-to-the-point speech, anecdotes and all other forms of storytelling help to make your story more interesting. A few simple tips will help you become a better writer.
Saturday, April 11, 2020
College Essay Topics That You Should Know About
College Essay Topics That You Should Know AboutIf you have decided to take up a college education, there are several things that you need to know about the different types of essays that you can do. There are many different subjects to research and these can all help to determine which essay topics you need to know about.Most college students who want to go to college should know a bit about literature, but it is not just a subject that a lot of people should be familiar with. There are quite a few different types of writing that a college student needs to be familiar with in order to be successful in the classroom. It is important to know about all of them because there is such a wide variety in the topics that are often used by college professors.Many English classes involve reading poetry or a particular piece of literature. If you have ever attended an English class, you might have come across several students who were discussing their favorite lines from books. If you want to be successful in college, then you will need to know about these types of topics.Speaking of college admissions essays, you might find yourself in a class in which you are forced to write one. What you need to do is to find the material that is required for this particular assignment and start researching. You may want to talk to the professor about whether or not the class will require this topic to be covered in the class. If it does, then you will need to make sure that you know how to write about it properly.College admissions essays should include the topic of your choice, but you also need to remember that your essay will be used by other people. If you are allowed to write about the topic of your choice, you need to make sure that you know how to make it sound appropriate. This includes knowing when to use different words, as well as knowing when to use certain phrases. You will also need to make sure that you also know how to make it more interesting.College essays are one of the hardest things that students will face when they are trying to get into a certain college. Whether you choose to write a book report or an essay, you will need to know the different ways that you can write about a topic and this includes knowing all of the different types of essay topics. Being familiar with all of the different types of essays will allow you to excel in this course and this is something that will make you happy and it will make you feel that you are part of the club when you graduate.Writing college essays should not be too hard because there are many different topics that you can choose from. These include essays on politics, entertainment, sex, literature, and many other topics. You should make sure that you use your imagination and that you will be able to write about the topic that you choose and this will help you be successful in college.
Running head Health, Stress, and Coping Essay Example
Running head Health, Stress, and Coping Paper The chapter outlines the biological, psychological, social and cultural factors that influence health and illness. The potential stressors that increase the risk of illness are stressful experiences or situations that are uncontrollable or chronic lasting for at least six months. Some of them include work related problems, noise, bereavement and loss, poverty, powerlessness and low status. According to health researchers, there are three factors due to which these chronic stressors do not affect everyone in the same way .They are (1).Individual physiological differences in the cardiovascular, endocrine, immune and other bodily systems (2) psychological factors such as attitudes, emotions, perceptions of events (3) people’s behaviour under stress. The Physiology of Stress We will write a custom essay sample on Running head Health, Stress, and Coping specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Running head Health, Stress, and Coping specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Running head Health, Stress, and Coping specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer Research in the area of stress began in the year, 1956, when Canadian physician, Hans Selya (1907-1982) published â€Å"The stress of life†. He described about general adaptation syndrome which is a series of physiological responses to stressors that occur in three phases namely alarm, resistance and exhaustion. Selya believed that some stress is positive and productive while some negative stress that is unavoidable may overwhelm body’s ability to cope. Stress and Body  The modern research on stress focused on the hypothalamus which sends messages to endocrine glands that activate the sympathetic division of the autonomic nervous system releasing epinephrine and norepineprine. Further to this, it is now evident that when body is under stress the activity along the hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenal cortex called as HPA axis is initiated. The chemical messages from hypothalamus communicate with pituitary which in turn sends messages to outer part of the adrenal glands that secrete cortisol. If cortisol and stress hormones stay for too long they can be harmful contributing for hypertension, immune disorders, other physical ailments and possible emotional problems. The Mind-Body link To understand further on stressors and variations in people’s reaction to stress, an interdisciplinary specialty with focus on psychological processes, nervous, endocrine and immune systems called as psychoneuroimmunology or PNI has emerged. Research shows that chronic stress can weaken or suppress the white blood cells of the immune system. Not all people are affected in the same way by chronic stressors and environmental condition. The reason behind the differential responsiveness to stress could be attributed more to the perception about the stressor. This simply means that human beings show signs of stress when they feel crowded than when the place is crowed.  Therefore psychological factors play a major role. The Psychology of Stress Emotions and Illness- The effects of negative attitudes and emotions can affect the course of the illness and of recovery. Research shows that feeling anxious, depressed and helpless for example can delay the healing of wounds after surgery, whereas feeling hopeful can significantly speed healing .Efforts to link emotions and illness occurred with research on Type A personality in 1970s. The main ingredient in Type A personality turned out to be antagonistic hostility which is related to heart disease. Chronic depression also is a risk factor that is linked to heart disease. Positive Emotions are helpful in that they are associated with better health and longevity.  Psychologists are trying to find out what it is about feeling happy, cheerful and hopeful that could protect a person from getting sick. Perhaps, people with positive emotions have an easy going temperament and also have better social support. Managing Negative Emotions- As negative emotions are risky, trying to suppress those means processing the thought more frequently. One way to get rid of negative emotions comes from research on benefits of confession and forgiveness.It promotes empathy, the ability to see the situation from another person perspective. Optimism and Pessimism- Research indicates that optimism helps in promoting health and well-being than pessimism. The feeling of optimism is related to having a sense of control. According to Rotter, 1990, locus of control refers to general expectation about whether the results of your actions are under your own control (internal locus) or beyond your control (external locus).The greatest threat to health and well-being occurs when people feel caught in a situation they cannot escape. Two ways of controlling feelings can be through primary or secondary control that can help to reduce or even eliminate the relationship between stressors and health. An effort to modify reality by changing other people, the situation, or events is called as primary control while secondary control is an effort to accept reality by changing attitudes, goals or emotions. Coping with Stress Coping involves active efforts to manage demands that feel stressful. Different forms of coping with stress include using physical strategies, problem oriented strategies, cognitive strategies or social strategies. Some of the physical strategies include handling physiological tension by reducing body’s arousal through meditation, relaxation, and massage. Studies also show that physically fit people have fewer health problems. Some situations demand problem focused coping skills which depend on the nature of the problem. When there are problems that cannot be changed like losing a job, or chronic illness then using cognitive coping methods will help to change the way we think about the problem. The three ways for coping includes reappraising the situation, learning from experience and making social comparisons. Apart from these individual mechanisms of coping taking help of social support is another important approach that facilitates coping. Family members, friends, neighbors, and co-workers can lend support and provide help. Studies also show that social support enhances health and bolsters immune system. Another better way of coping with stress is by helping others .Healing through helping enables people to gain strength by focusing less on their woes which can stimulate optimism and restore feelings of control. How much control do we have over our health? The process of coping does not involve elimination of stress but to deal with the stressors effectively. In the course of dealing with stressors, illness and health we have control over some psychological and social factors like negative emotions, pessimism, external locus of control, hostility, depression, and lack of supportive friends etc. Other three predictors of longevity are not smoking, eating a healthful diet and exercising regularly.  Therefore coping with stress means learning to live and deal with the stressors, problems and the pain.
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