Wednesday, November 27, 2019
Maggie Obituary Essays (227 words) - Maggie Greene, Maggie
Maggie Obituary Margaret Johnson, only daughter of Mary Murphy: found dead in the East River at age 23 Margaret Johnson, also called Maggie, was a successful seamstress and the only daughter of Mary Murphy died on November 19 in the East River where she was spotted floating atop the freezing cold water. The cause of death seems to be suicide due to a longing case of depression but there are still tests being done on the body. Because of the poverty Maggie was born into she did not have the chance to learn how to swim which leads to the thought of her getting hypothermia once she either jumped or got pushed in the river. Maggie was said to be a very intelligent young lady who was always very popular around the men. She was also said to be very dependent and that was clearly seen when she ran away from home and went straight to a guy friend of hers whose name will not be released. As soon as they realized their differences she quickly ran back home to her mother who then rejected her, claiming that she was the "devil." Earlier in her short, prosperous life Maggie had to deal with the death of both her baby brother and her father, the one close family member that protected her in tough times that she often encountered. Margaret Johnson is survived by a brother Jimmie Johnson and her mother Mary Murphy.
Saturday, November 23, 2019
Policy Effects with Exchange Rates
Policy Effects with Exchange Rates Policy Effects with Floating Exchange Rates This chapter continues chapter nine’s discussion on the AA-DD model. It looks into the effects of the AA-DD model on an economy with a Floating Exchange Rate System. It also describes the government’s use of the model to formulate policies. It is evident that the AA-DD model affects a number of economic variables in the macro economy.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Policy Effects with Exchange Rates specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More These variables include the GNP and the value of currency. Economists developed the above model to understand the connection between the various economic variables. The government affects some of these variables through expansionary policies and contractionary policies, among others. Therefore, this chapter looks at an Open Exchange Rate System and the effect of government policies on the AA-DD model. The government uses two polici es to control money supply in a country. That is, expansionary and contractionary policy with the effect of increasing and reducing money supply respectively. The effect of expansionary policy on the AA-DD model is a shift to the right. This increases the exchange rate of a country’s money with respect to another country. However, this does not happen fast. It takes on a transitional mode with many factors at play. For example, the real money supply exceeds the real money demand. This, in the short run, means that inflation levels increase quickly. However, the trend lags as more people convert their money assets into non-money assets to beat or take advantage of the inflation levels. In the long term, the natural effect is that the exchange rate will increase with the amount of cash in the economy. Governments employ the contractionary monetary policy when the money supply in an economy reduces. This reduction has the effect of shifting the AA-DD model downwards. When this h appens, there is an immediate reduction in Gross National Product of a country. It also leads to a relatively stronger local currency. Fiscal policy refers to government spending. The government is the biggest consumer and its consumption has many policy effects on the economy. The government uses this power to effect policies in a country through either reduction in spending (contractionary fiscal policy) or increase in spending (expansionary fiscal policy). An increase in government spending causes AA-DD model to shift to the right. This causes a decrease in the exchange rate. For example, the Canadian dollar would do better than the American dollar in this situation. However, this leads to an increase in the GNP for the country. This is because it may attract more foreign investment as it is favorable to them. There are many causes for an expansionary policy. This includes transfer payments, tax reductions and government direct spending.Advertising Looking for essay on bu siness economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More The three factors lead to different effects on the AA-DD model. The increase in government direct spending and tax reductions leads to increase in disposable incomes in a country, which causes increase in GNP. This increase leads to increase in GNP, which also increases real money demand. The effect is that interest rates increase. The reverse is true for contractionary fiscal policies, which occur because of limited government spending. Government expansionary policy that occurs when the economy has numerous jobs spurs economic growth. This is because retailers and manufacturers enjoy better returns because of increased process of goods and services. Expansionary policy over a long period has some necessary effects to the economy. The economy feels the heat as the increase in interest rates bites. However, the GNP does not increase immediately and before that happens, the g overnment may plunge the economy into a placid situation. This is because lesser and lesser people will be willing to borrow. Fixed Exchange Rates They were once the only way to do business in the years before 1973. They are still in use albeit at a lower and managed level. There are various types of fixed rate exchange systems. In a fixed exchange rate system, the government determines the value of a country’s currency. This is contrary to a floating exchange rate system in which the prevailing market conditions determine the rate of exchange. In a fixed exchange rate system, the government or the controlling authority has a lot of control on the value of a country’s currency. However, this is not the case in a floating exchange rate system (Suranovic 56). There are various fixed exchange rate systems. The most common is the Gold Standard. In this system, which is the most common with people, Gold is used as the measure for exchange. Since it is considered to have an equal value world over, the exchange rate is fixed for particular amounts of gold. Price specie flow mechanism is the second one. It advocated for a reserve of gold whose value was known by all central banks that would have used the system. This would maintain fairness and a particular standard. Other systems include the next one is crawling pegs where a country forecasts that during a particular period there will be volatility of its currency. Thus, it fixes the exchange rate for that particular period to eliminate problems with the economy. The most drastic method of fixing a currency is to use the currency of another country. For example, south Sudan may use the American dollar at a time when using the currency of another country is the best way to curb inflation.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Policy Effects with Exchange Rates specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More In a fixed exchange rate system, it is evident that the country that uses it has to do something after a certain period to adjust the exchange rates. This means that the treasury or the government arm that deals with monetary and fiscal control has to be alert at all times to mitigate a possible problem. In a floating system, however, this is not the case since the system controls itself with up and down movements depending on demand and supply. Hence, economists ask the question is it possible for the two systems to work well at the same time in a country. This is not entirely possible for a long time. It can only happen where the country wants to solve a particular problem. When the problem disappears, a country reverts to its earlier method. This is because the dynamics are too intricate and the formula and manner of doing it is too complicated. From the above discussion, it evident that a country’s central bank can intervene to solve an economic problem using exchanges rate systems. They do this through a controlled envir onment where a country declares a particular amount of money to the reserve bank. This is to adjust the levels of a particular currency in the market in cases where it is in little or too much supply. Hence, the central bank puts up Foreign Exchange Bureaus to buy or sell the currency in its residency. For example, the United States may put Foreign Exchange Bureaus that trade currency to sell British pound so that it can control its spread in the country. This chapter looks at the balance of payments. For a country to be able to purchase foreign currency, it has to stock foreign currency in reserves in its country. These reserves are called the balance of payments reserve. Because of the frequent buying and selling of both foreign and domestic currency, these reserves may run low or increase. When they run low, this is balance of payments deficit and when they are high, this is balance of payment surplus. These two are the indicators of the activity of the exchange rate and the gove rnment uses them as pointers. In any market where there is trading in currency, the issue of black market trading is imminent. The players in this illegal market can be even the best financial operators in a country. This includes banks and other financial institutions.Advertising Looking for essay on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Governments need to use so much resource to avoid this market since it has ability to cripple the financial system. The government also needs to ensure that the Foreign Exchange market is vibrant to eliminate a situation where there is undue demand or supply of one currency leading to a serene environment for black market trading. Policy Effects with Fixed Exchange Rates Governments do not work the same in either fixed or floating exchange rates. These policies shift depending on the type of exchange rate use. In this light, it important to know how the AA-DD model would behave in such situations. This means that a country should have a fixed exchange rate policy. This chapter is an analysis of the fixed exchange rate policy in light of the AA-DD model in situations of monetary policy and fiscal policy changes. As seen earlier, the AA-DD model shifts according to changes in monetary policy. Under expansionary policy, the AA-DD model shifts to the right. The money supply puts pressur e on the exchange rate. This cause significant reduction the interest rates, which arouses public interest to borrow more from among themselves and the government. In that case, they sell their bonds and treasury shares. However, since the exchange rate is fixed, an automatic intervention form the government forestalls a situation where the rates overshadow its efforts. This is the effect in the short run. When this happens for a long time, the government loses part of its GNP. This is the exact opposite when contractionary monetary policy is involved. Hence, governments that use fixed exchange rate systems need to strike a balance between quick short-term benefits or the long-term health of its economy in making policy decisions (Suranovic 67). The government may also use expansionary fiscal policy or contractionary fiscal policy. In these two situations there are different after effects that play out. Fiscal policy emanates from the fact that the government is the major consumer i n an economy. Another way to influence fiscal policy is through transfer of payments and tax revenues. Overall, expansionary fiscal policies increase the growth national product to a certain level. This happens in the short run in a situation where the exchange rate is fixed. However, in the long term detrimental effects may play out in the economy. Contractionary fiscal policy causes the GNP to reduce significantly in the short run in a fixed exchange rate system. However, the long-term benefits outweigh the short-term results. In a situation where there is an exchange rate policy with fixed exchange rates, the government uses the concept of devaluation and revaluation to affect the monetary policy. Devaluation refers to a situation where the government lowers the value of its currency through use the reserves reduction. If the government increases the value of the reserve, it increases the value of its currency through a concept called revaluation. Generally, devaluation in a fixe d exchange rate system causes a significant increase in GNP. Revaluation has an opposite effect and this happens in the short run. This is what the United States government accuses china of doing. This part explains the reserve country and its effect on the reserve currency. For example, India may use the American dollar as its reserve currency and fix its exchange rate. By doing this, USA government has no authority to manipulate the Indian government in policy making just because it uses its money for reserve. It can use both expansionary and contractionary monetary policies to ensure the reserve fund is at its best. To maintain sanity the country holding the reserve, the government needs to constantly buy and sell the reserve to respond to different market demands. Normally, a government holds the reserve in form of treasury bonds. This way it makes it easy to trade the bonds and hence control the market real time. Failure to observe this may lead to a balance of payments crisis. Several things may lead to a balance of payments crisis. These crises may result from many things such as devaluations, capital flight, borrowing reserves, return to float among others. Fixed vs. Floating Exchange Rates The hardest question that governments and economist find is the determination between the fixed and the floating monetary policies. It is mind boggling to know which one to use. However, there is no definitive answer as all have worked and failed in different situations. For example, it is hard for a government to have the autonomy to control an economy in a fixed economy. However, it is easy to that in a floating economy. Before choosing which system to adopt, a country must consider a number of factors. This includes its effect on the volatility of the risk involved, inflationary consequences and how autonomous the monetary system will be. Exchange rate volatility refers to refs to what extent the value of exchange rate fluctuates over time. In essence, even from the wording, fixed exchange rate is not supposed to change at all. On the other hand, floating exchange rates are supposed to move up and down depending on the performance of the markets. Hence, the more the changes in the value of exchange rate the more volatile it is. By definition, fixed exchange rates are not supposed to change. However, this is not necessarily the case as they are constantly revalued and devalued denoting changes. Exchange rate risk refers to the possibility that a person may lose money because of the changes in exchange rate (Suranovic 70). Exchange rate risk is not unique to any particular person in an economy. Actually, it has the potential to have spiraling effects that span across the board. This is because it touches on various parts of the countrys economic system and particularly the import and export trade. This trade has a direct or an indirect influence on the prices of many commodities especially basic ones. Exchange rate systems have inflationary e ffects too. When a government wants to adopt a particular exchange rate system, the best way is to adopt a system with the minimal inflationary tendencies. The writer notes that many governments world over have fallen prey to citizens demanding more spending from it and transfer of payments. However, these governments do not increase taxes to cover these spending and transfers. This leads to huge public deficits, very high interest rates and inability to borrow money without significant harm to the economy (Suranovic 78). In a floating exchange rate system, the options for the above situation are quite limited just as in the fixed system. This is because the short-term solution is normally to print money. This is not very popular as it the cause of many historically infamous situations. For example, the recent happenings in Zimbabwe and the Turkey situation in the 1980 etc. After departure from the fixed exchange rates system used in 1960 and 1970, the controls were chaotic. This is because devaluation leads to automatic inflation. Additionally, the base currency in use, the dollar, sometimes experienced critical shortages because of unnecessary hoarding from some countries. Then, economists suggested the floating exchange rate where each country controlled its economy. The problems it presented were numerous as the formulation of exchange rates to facilitate import and export trade came into being. Currencies were not steady anymore and some countries suffered because of runaway inflation. Currently, the return to the gold standard, used before the arrival of Bretton Woods’s institutions, are the ones frequently proposed. The issue of monetary autonomy is back from history. In the past for decades and counting, the need to come together and have a single currency was not good. This was in the wake of a single fixed rate system, which led to a lot of chaos. Monetary autonomy refers to a country’s independency to make monetary decisions through it s central bank. This is true in a floating exchange rate system. It can increase money supply by lowering interest rates, which triggers borrowing, investment and economic growth. However, this is not possible in a fixed exchange rate system. In this system, different methods such as crawling peg. For effective central bank control of the monetary system, it has to have an independent way to operate separate from the government. This will avoid the situations in both Argentina and Zimbabwe. The above discussion leads to the question, which is better between fixed and floating exchange rate systems. The fall of Bretton Woods meant that countries would formulate either their own monetary system or come together to have a bloc that had Base Exchange rate systems. However, currently all countries look into options that best makes its economy more vibrant and stronger. For example, the Euro zone is currently engulfed in a monetary situation that is threatening its unity. Countries must f ormulate prudent and flawless monetary and fiscal policies if they are to survive the current turbulent times in the world economies. Suranovic, Steven. International Finance, 2012. Web.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Education, African American males Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Education, African American males - Essay Example Approaches There are many approaches through which studies on this trend where only a small percentage of the community bothers with higher education can be carried. One is the based on Emile Durkheim’s functionalist approach to the study of society (Poggi, 2000). Durkheim pointed out that institutions in the society played specific roles and became redundant once these roles became outdated or overtaken by events (Poggi, 2000). Higher education to the African-American was historically a preserve of the Caucasians hence the reason why some African-Americans still regarded it as alien and serving no real purpose in their lives. This could have accounted for their apathy towards education in the early days though this situation is gradually changing (Poggi, 2000). There were limited opportunities in the early days for the African Americans whose only employment was in the form of domestic and farm work hence there was no real need for advanced level of education for them. Conseq uently they developed the attitude that only basic education was necessary for them. With this came the latent factor, the blacks began regarding education as alien and part of their education. This formed the basis of their indifference towards education (Baird, & Walter, 2008). This situation only changed when the liberation movements of the early 20th century resulted in more opportunities for the blacks.
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Managing fo results Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
Managing fo results - Essay Example The research revealed the existence of several cultures and subcultures in Widney Cabs Ltd that matched the theoretical models developed by both Schein in the three level of classification i.e. Assumptions, Values and Artefacts and Denison’s classification that outlines four attributes namely: Involvement, Consistency, Adaptability and Mission. This study will evaluate and assess the different aspects of organizational culture that exist in Widney Cabs Ltd. The study examines these culture(s) and sub cultures in light of the relationship with models or classification from academic literature, existing knowledge and theories on organizational culture. Jacques (1951) defines organizational culture as the customary or traditional ways of thinking and doing things common to most members of an organization. There exists a significant level of formal knowledge on the subject of culture(s) and sub-cultures that exist in organizations and their effects on the organizational behaviour. Founders and leaders of organizations create these cultures, which are then developed and sustained by people. Organization’s executives generate and impart the organizations ideals. They also promote the core values that convey inclination to certain behaviors or effects. Norms on the other hand express acceptable ways of achieving set goals. Studies have shown that the development of organizational culture requires interaction within the membership. (Louis, Posner, and Powell 1983). According to Schein (1985), there are three levels of culture,the basic being Assumptions that form the foundation of culture. These assumptions are unconscious beliefs, thoughts, perceptions, and feelings. Next to these are the espoused values that consist of goals, philosophies. Lastly are the artefacts, which are physical manifestations, which may not be obvious to a lay observer of organizational
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Summary of 7 Habits of Highly Effective People Essay Example for Free
Summary of 7 Habits of Highly Effective People Essay Stephen Covey’s book â€Å"The 7 habits of highly effective people†will help me in a number of different ways in the year to come. Not only with being effective in my career, but also my personal life and graduate school. Covey talks about character and personality traits, and uses a great example of being in Chicago and having excellent map and reference skills, but if you have a map of Detroit you will not be able to find your way around no matter how good your secondary skills are. This is a great example of how it is necessary to possess the primary elements, before your secondary skills can be used effectively. Covey goes on to talk about the 7 habits of highly effective people in his book, and continues to talk about the difference in relying on personality vs. character ethics. Covey feels that if you rely on personality ethics and the underlying paradigms are the same, simply changing outward behavior is not effective. He also talks about how people view things not the way they are, but how they are conditioned to see thing. He uses an example of two groups of people being shown two different pictures of a young and old woman. Then the groups are shown an abstract containing characteristics of both the old and young woman. Each group saw the image of the picture they were shown within the abstract. The book presents the 7 habits in an inside-out approach centering around principles and character. The key points that I got out of reading this book was to approach the way that I look at the world differently. Once I can realize my past conditioning, I can then change the way that I see things in order to be more effective. All 7 habits will be helpful to me in my future growth, success, and effectiveness. The first is to be proactive. By being proactive, this means to assess a situation and developing a positive response for it, as opposed to reporting it to someone and sitting back and waiting for them to come up with a response. The other key points I took from the 7 habits of highly effective people, is to develop a personal mission statement and to spend time doing what fits into my personal mission. By this I need to identify the key roles I take on in life, and make time for each of these key roles. Another key point is to look for win/win agreements and relationships. This means to look for relationships and agreements that are beneficial to both parties, and in the event that there is not the possibility for a win/win to be comfortable to say â€Å"no deal†. The last three habits I found extremely beneficial to me. What I got from these is to first look to understand the other person, and then seek to be understood. Secondly try and solve conflict and find a better solution to a problem through mutual trust and understanding. Finally, to try and maintain a balance between production and production capacity, by looking at the physical, mental, social/emotional, and spiritual dimensions. The 7 habits of highly effective people, has been beneficial to me in a number of different ways. It has helped me look at how I perceive things, versus the way that I need to be approaching things. It has also helped me develop a mission statement for myself and to prioritize things based on that personal statement. It has also helped me look at my production and production capacity, and helped me try and understand people before seeking to be understood. I would have to give this book a 9 out of 10.
Friday, November 15, 2019
Differences Between Greek And Roman Gods Theology Religion Essay
Differences Between Greek And Roman Gods Theology Religion Essay From ancient times different societies have worshiped gods, believing in their power and being afraid of their fury. People have prayed and made sacrifices in order to achieve the gods mercy and generosity. They believed that, if the gods are in good mood, they will provide people with good weather conditions for growing crops [1] . Moreover, people needed explanations for different natural phenomena, such as rain, drought, lightning, thunder and earthquake. So, ancient people believed that these natural phenomena are caused by the gods [2] . A good example of such societies could be ancient Greeks and Romans. Ancient Greeks and Romans existed in the middle ages. This essay will describe main gods and goddesses of ancient Greek and Roman societies. It will also look at main similarities and differences between the gods and goddesses of theses societies. Investigation To begin with, there are a lot of similarities between Greek and Roman gods, because Roman religion was based on Greek religion. The Greek mythology was founded about a millennium before the Roman. Romans founded their religion on the basis of the Greek religion. [3] So, Greek and Roman religions are similar, because both of them are polytheistic religions. [4] Polytheism is belief in, or worship of, multiple gods or divinities. [5] There were more than thirty gods in each of these cultures. Furthermore, Greeks and Romans had almost the same gods, despite differences in their names. As an example, both cultures had the god of sea, the goddess of love, the god of war, the god of wine and the goddess of wisdom. [6] Importantly, there was a chief god, who was the king of all gods, in both Greek and Roman societies. In Greek mythology the king of gods is known as Zeus, whereas Romans call the king of gods Jupiter. [7] There is also a queen of gods in Greek and Roman mythologies. Greeks call the queen Hera, whereas Romans queen of gods is Juno. [8] Finally, both ancient societies have twelve main gods and goddesses. In Greek mythology they are known as the Twelve Olympians. [9] They are Zeus, Poseidon, Aid, Ares, Apollo, Hermes, Hephaestus, Hera, Athena, Aphrodite, Artemis, and Dionysus. Greeks call these twelve main gods and goddesses as follows: Jupiter, Neptune, Pluton, Mars, Feb, Mercury, Volcano, Juno, Minerva, Venus, Diana, and Bacchus. [10] Actually, they are the same gods and goddesses with same powers, but with different names. Even though the Roman religion is based on the Greek religion, there are number of differences between gods of these societies. Romans have not just adopted their religion from Greeks. They have also changed their religion according to their culture. [11] So, if you read about Rome and Greek gods and goddesses, you will see differences in their names. Romans gave their gods names that are different from names of Greek gods. Thus, there are only few Greek and Roman gods and goddesses that have similar names. Usually Roman gods and goddesses have names of planets of the sun system, such as Jupiter, Mercury, Neptune and Mars. In contrast, Greek gods and goddesses have their own names, such as Zeus, Hermes, Ares and Hera. [12] For example, the goddess of love is Venus in Roman mythology and Aphrodite in Greek mythology. Romans call the god of war Mars, while Greeks call Ares. The god of sea is called Neptune in Roman mythology and Poseidon in Greek mythology. [13] Furthermore, if you read about Roman and Greek gods, you will notice differences in characters of gods and goddesses. Gods and goddesses usually have characters similar to people that believe and pray to them, because people think up their gods themselves. [14] Ancient Greeks were polite and creative. They held creativity above physical works in the mortal and mythical world. [15] Greeks were also interested in poetry. In contrast, Romans were more focused on actions rather than on words. They valued bravery and courage. [16] So, Roman gods and goddesses are more military and aggressive, whereas Greek gods and goddesses are more cultural and polite. Finally, when you look at pictures of Greek and Roman gods or goddesses, you will see differences in their clothes and physical appearance. Ancient Greeks highly valued creativity and beauty. So, Greek gods and goddesses were usually given a beautiful and perfect physical appearance. [17] They were dressed into white and light cloth. By contrast, Romans were more focused on warfare and valued bravery. So, Rome gods and goddesses had military clothes. Romans did not pay much attention on physical appearance of gods and goddess. [18] Conclusion In conclusion, by comparing Greek and Roman gods, you can see both similarities and differences between gods of the two ancient societies. Greek and Roman religions are similar, because the Roman mythology was founded based on the Greek. Religions of both ancient societies are polytheistic religions. Moreover, both cultures have almost the same gods with the same powers. Finally, there are twelve main gods, known as the Twelve Olympians, in both cultures. However, Greek and Roman gods also differ from each other, because Romans have changed their religion according to their own culture. So, Roman and Greek gods had different names. Furthermore, there is a difference in characters of Greek and Roman Gods. And finally, Greek and Roman gods had different physical appearances and wore different clothes. Therefore, Greek and Roman gods have similarities as well as having some differences.
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Critique Of Research Article Essay
The nursing profession comprises of various dimensions. These dimensions however have not been appreciated by the society by understanding the complexity of the nursing profession. The role of nurses has changed over times and is dynamic. To many, nursing profession is solely for physical health provision. This is not exactly the case as nurses are also involved in provision of other aspects of care such as social and spiritual care. The role of nurses as care givers is unique and needs to be appreciated. Nurses all over the world are connected by the technical skills that they posses. These professional goes beyond the mare health care provision by the technical skills only. (Nieswiadomy, 1998 pp. 97-135) This paper is a critique of the article â€Å"Dimensions of caring: A qualitative analysis of Nurses’ Stories’’ by Sharon Hudacek. In this article Hudacek has written on a research conducted carried out in a qualitative manner to identify the dimensions of nursing profession. The research focused at analyzing the stories that were obtained from nurses around the world where analysis was done using Giorgis methodology which assisted in deducing the multidimensional and complex of the roles of nurses in provision of care. This essay consists of two major parts in criticizing the article. The first part of the paper will criticize the significance of the research to nursing and the clinical practices in general. It will also examine the reason as to why the research was based on qualitative methodological approach. (Streubert & Carpenter, 1999 pp 67-89) In the second part of the essay, the research will be criticized in details through qualitative research critique methods. This critique will look on both the weakness and the strengths of the research based on the following components: ? Definition of the research problem ? Literature review ? The research design ? Data collection strategies ? Data analysis strategies ? Interpretation of the result finding ? Ethical consideration PART ONE Rationale for research area Nurses are entrusted in the provision of health care and are available to assist the sick in their most needy times. This unique responsibility brings about a unique relationship between the nurse and the patient. Hudacek’s article is on research about the stories of nurses in their day to day duties which are of different nature and challenging. The nurse plays the role of a life saver yet nurses also witness their patients pass inevitably. In establishing what the nurses have to say to the public and to other professionals in their work of care giving. Hudacek collected stories from nurses from various parts of the world about the uniqueness of their job through experiences in care provision. These stories are an important base in understanding the role of nurses and appreciating the multidimensional complex essential care provided by the nurses. The work of nurses should be acknowledged and through their stories it is easy to understand the specialty of this profession in the society. (Beanland et al. 1999 pp 57-107) Leaders in nursing stress on nurses telling on their stories to better understand the practice of nursing. It is obligatory and persuasive to share and the human experiences in daily life activities. In nursing telling stories of personal encounter with patients is a reflection on clinical practice and the essence of working at the bedside. The essence of this research is to encourage nurses to tell there stories through written or oral means to the public and to the professionals. This is necessary in generating critical thinking and review which connects and illuminates the complexity and great inherent within the nursing profession. The narrative stories of nurses about their experiences in bedside care with their patients take the nurses back to a deep etched memory at one time in their care giving activity. This is necessary in motivating the nurses in the provision of care that constitutes more than health care provision as the research identified. The stories enhance the relationship between nurses and their patients through touching of each others life. (Polit, & Hungler, 1997 pp 102-156) There are times when the nurse may touch the heart of a patient and make a change to their lives and the patients also may touch the life of a nurse and bring about change which improves the provision of health care and other services in the care giving practice of nurses. According to Crookes and Davies 2005, it is the story of the nurses which unfold the trusting relationships between nurses and their patients. This research is also important in revealing of the unique nature of nursing profession which can create a good public relation. The care giving practice of nurses is special and innovative which integrates analysis, interpretation and the technical skills possessed by nurses. The research identified seven dimensions care giving in the nursing practice which helps us to appreciate the critical contribution of nurses in the society. These dimensions are as follows. ? Compassion ? Caring ? Community outreach ? Providing comfort ? Crisis intervention ? Spirituality and ? Caring the extra distance. This research assisted nurses to break the silence after many years of service which is more personal and meaningful. It has brought into light the true aspect of nursing through the written narratives they provided for this research to be able to come out with conclusive results of the various dimensions of care giving in the nursing practice. (Parahoo, 1997 pp 56-114) The research is also helpful for further research in the care giving practice of nurses. The finding of this research are useful and can open further research studies in the field of nursing by assimilating theories and the results of this research in conducting useful research that brings the true meaning of care giving within the nursing profession as well as improving the relationship between nurses and patients in all aspects of care giving established in this very research by Hudacek. Methodological approach Research is essential in every aspect of life. In nursing various researches have been carried out in improving and demystifying the care provision in the nursing profession. Various research methods are applied depending on the type of research and the aim of the research. Both qualitative and quantitative research methods have been widely used in research in nursing. These two methods of research can contribute to useful knowledge in nursing. In research it has become useful to use multidimensional research that includes both qualitative and quantitative research techniques. Therefore the polarization of this two research methods is no longer in existence and one cannot entirely work on its own. In the research article by Hudacek, qualitative research was used and analysis performed through Giorgi’s methodology for existential methodology which is a qualitative research design. This research method is focused on the experiences of people in their day to day activities. (Giorgi, 1985 pp 111-142) This research allows individuals to describe their experiences. In the research by Hudacek, questionnaires were sent through mail to different individuals in different countries serving in the nursing profession. The question was not open ended question as it directed the nurse on the type of response one was required to provide. The stories collected all were expected to tell of an experience in care giving that touched the life of the nurse or that of the patient. This is one of the weaknesses of this research methodology which uses closed ended questionnaires as it limits the nurses on telling stories about the challenges they face in providing care to their patients which also may touch their lives or change the life of the patient. However qualitative research is appropriate in the study of human behavior through experiences. It involves interactive process instead of linear. This is essential in asking a general question which refines the intended meaning of results of the research as the research continues. The qualitative research tries to understand the whole phenomenon in the context of the research field. This is done through inductive reasoning with no preconceived ideas about the study outcomes as it involves the investigation of individual experiences of the nurses in a naturalistic setting that put meaning to the theory and practice of nursing and for further research work. (Streubert & Carpenter, 1999 pp 80-165) The qualitative phenomenological research is common and is interested in descriptive data rather than numerical data. The phenomenological qualitative research is flexible and people centered which enhances the respondents in the research to be true to their story, that is, it increases the credibility of the data obtained through questionnaires. Considering that the nurses are emailed from a foreign country and are given a guideline question is important in producing reliable research result. Qualitative research is holistic and has continuous analysis of data to invent successive strategies. The quantitative research however has strengths over qualitative research as it applies deductive reasoning. It offers numerical data that allows the researcher to reject or accept the data in relation to the formulated hypothesis. In the research article by Hudacek, there was no null hypothesis to guide the information collected during the research. The questionnaires sent to Australia, Argentina, United States, Slovakia, Cuba, Tekrik, Tokyo and other parts of the world including Africa may have been taken in a different way. Considering that the different nurses come from different societies and have differing personal attributes could have brought about controversy in answering the question. This might be the reason unto why out of all the sent mails to the respondents; only two hundred were mailed back. (Burns and Grove, 2007 pp 90-198) Qualitative research fails to give an analysis of the real data. It does not break down data into meaningful conclusion. Out of the two hundred responses or stories that were received, they are not specified where they came from. There is a possibility of the responses coming from one region or state which can not be reliable for drawing out a general conclusion. Quantitative research and analysis of data could have been applied in this research article to address such shortcomings that the article failed to consider. In quantitative research data is numerical and therefore statistical data analysis methods are deployed to come out with a information emphasizing objectivity. In the research article by Hudacek, qualitative research has been singly used in establishing the role of nurses in health care provision in the named countries. The response obtained within twelve months time span from two hundred nurses was used to determine the heights of care giving practice of nurses. The Giorgi’s phenomenological research analysis was applied to give meaningful evaluation of the two hundred stories received. This qualitative method of data analysis used four major steps that helped in giving meaning to these stories in connection to the research topic. (Giorgi, 1985 pp 34-102) These steps assisted in the study of data obtained and were applied as follows; ? The general reading of the narrative stories for general sense of the whole work. ? The re-reading of the narratives to filter the meaningful section ton be used in the drawing conclusive meaning to research. ? The reflection and focusing of each story to the phenomenon under investigation. ? The final synthesizing of meaning units into reliable structure of learning. Generally the qualitative research used in this research were appropriate to the investigation of the phenomenon of care giving by nurses and helped in deducing seven dimensions of care giving by nurses who share a common technical skill despite the boundaries, race, religion, gender age and most important the level of development of the countries they live or give services in. PART TWO Problem definition Research in the field of nursing is endless and is important in filling in gaps in knowledge that is needed for care giving in nursing practice. The purpose of a research is a clear and concise statement of a specific goal, aim or objective of the research study generated from the research problem. There are three major characteristics which a good problem should hold; ? The problem statement should clearly identify the variables under consideration. ? Should specify the group of population to be studied ? Should involve the possibility of empirical testing. The article by Hudacek the statement of the problem in the research is clearly stated in the very first paragraph of the article in the abstract. It has also been expounded into more than just a problem by describing the methodology of research that would be applied in the research. The problem states, â€Å"The purpose of this qualitative, phenomenological study is to describe dimensions of caring as they relate to and clarify the practice of professional nursing†This definition of the research problem is descriptive of the nature of research that one expects and the purpose of carrying the research is vivid to the reader. In fact the articles abstract is a summary of every aspect of the research which puts the reader toes. The reader also gets to know the extent at which the research goes into investigation of the problem. (DePoy, & Gitlin, 1994 pp. 58-94) The statement of this problem is clear and eliminates the possibility of ambiguity to the reader. The statement gives the summary of the article. The article puts it clear of the nurses stories obtained telling of the great experiences the nurses encounter in their day-to-day activities of health care provision. The article also explores the fact that nurses have not been telling their stories about their unique care giving practice. Literature review In research, literature review is usually a written summary of the position of the existing knowledge on a research problem. Literature review is the use of theoretical and empirical sources to form a clear picture of what is known and what is not known in regard to the statement of the problem which gives the basis of the conducted study. In simple terms, literature review is the process by which the researcher takes account of the known knowledge about a given research topic. In the present research by Hudacek, the scope of the nursing profession in health care provision has been screened and analyzed deeply from different sources. These sources include both secondary and primary sources. The research problem of the nurses’ silence about their daily experiences has been supported from other works. Hudacek has also used evidence of other available knowledge about the leaders in nursing encouraging nurses to give narrative stories in written form to express their day-to-day experiences in care giving practice. He uses evidence from books of various writers that the use of story telling to understand the nursing practice of care giving has been endorsed. Of all of the articles and books used are current. The research used very recent scholarly works in the literature review which gives the research a sense of validity. (Hudacek, 2005 pp 89-153) Research design Research design is the recipe for conducting a research study and is responsible for optimizing control over factors that could get in the way with the validity of the findings. The research design controls and guides planning and implementation of a research study in order to achieve the desired results and findings. (Crookes & Davies, 2004 pp 89-130). In Hudacek research, the research design used is too weak to draw out conclusions. The mailing of questions to nurses was not random in the first place. The names were provided from the University for the Research Group. This could have led to biasness of the respondents in writing their stories. The time span given to the respondents was quite enough in the research and amazingly only a small number of two hundred out of over thousand were received. The study design was not efficient in conducting this research and could not be valid to conclude the research. The narratives were not controlled from the place of source. That is, there was no criterion for picking up stories for example at least ten from each state as most of them could have come from the same state. Therefore in the current research by Hudacek, the research design is generally poor. Sampling Sampling is the selection of the elements from the entire population to be studied. These elements can be people, behaviors or events among any other element that can be researched on. (Beanland et al. 1999 pp 45-123) In Hudacek article, a global database was used to provide names of nurses to be invited in the research. The participation was also voluntary. In this non probability non purposive sampling, results are credible and fit for research study. Here the subject is not hand picked by the researcher. Data collection strategies This is the process by which information to be used in study of the research problem is gathered. The method of data collection is determined by the research method or the aim of the study. In the article by Hudacek, self report data was found appropriate. Structured self report data was collected by means of written form in stories that were mailed to the respondents. The respondents sent back the written stories via mails. In the research study by Hudacek, the question was formed to guide the respondent on the orientation of the study by just writing a narrative story on ones experience with a patient who changed the life of the nurse. Approval was sought from the University of Scranton nursing department review board which approved the study. Data analysis strategies This is the systematic organisation and synthesis of research data. It is aimed at giving meaning to the data or information collected. In the current article Giorgi’s phenomenological methodology of data analysis was used. The stories were read and interpreted to give meaning to the research problem using the three steps reviewed earlier in this essay. Interpretation of findings, Conclusion and Recommendations Findings of a research are the result of the analyses of the study information obtained from the research question. Conclusion on the other hand is the synthesis and explanation of the research findings. Result interpretation takes into account the objectives or goals of the study and the existing body of knowledge related to the research study. In the research by Hudacek it was found that practice of nursing is meaningful to them and goes beyond the health care provision, i. e. , care giving practice is a multidimensional practice. From the findings seven dimensions of care in nursing practice were identified. These are, Caring, compassion, spirituality, providing comfort, crisis intervention, community outreach, and going the extra distance. (Parahoo, 1997 pp 98-134) Hudacek also encourages more research in his article on matters pertaining care provision by nurses. The research helped in liberating nurses from the traditional restraints that may have caused them to feel unappreciated. Ethical issues Every research should be guided by ethical principles which ensure respect for person, beneficence and justice. Beneficence is entails the protection of the participant from harm which can either be psychological or physical. Ethical considerations in a research study outweigh the possibility of risks to the participants. In the research by Hudacek, ethical issues were considered in the best way. The mailing of the questions was personal and never involved a third party. In giving information, anonymous was used to ensure that the stories were neutral and safe to be published in the article by Hudacek. Participants were not named neither did there stories were published with names of the patients. Professional code of ethics has been respected in the Hudacek research article i. e. Privacy, anonymity and confidentiality were observed during the research. (Roberts & Taylor, 2002 pp 34-69) The essay criticized the article on the dimensions of nursing: A qualitative analysis of nurses’ stories by Hudacek. In the critique all aspects have been looked into clearly and weaknesses and strengths pinpointed during the critique. The abstract of the article defines the research problem statement and gives a summary of the whole article at a glance. The research was effective in achieving its goals all the same despite the pinpointed methodological shortcomings in the research. References Bailey, P. H. , & Tilley, S. (2002). Storytelling and the interpretation of meaning in qualitative research. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 38, 574-583 Burns, N. & Grove, K. (2007). Understanding nursing research: Building an evidence-based practice. (4th ed. ). Philadelphia: WB Saunders. Burns, N. & Grove, K. (2007). Study Guide for understanding nursing research – building an evidenced-based practice. (4th ed. ). Philadelphia: WB Saunders. Beanland, C. et al. (1999). Nursing research methods. Critical appraisal and utilisation (1st Australian ed. ). Sydney: Mosby. Burns, N. & Grove, S. (2005). The practice of nursing research, conduct, critique and utilisation. Missouri: Elsevier Saunders. Crookes, P. & Davies, S. (2004). Research into practice: Essential skills for reading and applying research in nursing and health care. Sydney: Balliere Tindall. DePoy, E. & Gitlin, L. (1994). Introduction to research: Multiple strategies for health and human services. Sydney: Mosby. Giorgi, A. (1985). Phenomenology and psychological research. Pittsburgh, PA: Duquesne University Press. Hudacek, S. (2004). Making a difference: Stories from the point of care (Vol. 2). Indianapolis, IN: Sigma Theta Tau International. Hudacek, S. (2005). Making a difference: Stories from the point of care (Rev. ed. , Vol. 1). Indianapolis, IN: Sigma Theta Tau International. Maher, J. (2003). The use of narratives in nursing. Whitireia Nursing Journal, 10, 11-16 Nieswiadomy, R. (1998). Foundations of nursing research (3rd ed. ). Connecticut: Appleton & Lange. Parahoo, K. (1997). Nursing research: Principles, processes and issues. Basingstoke: Macmillan. Polit, D. & Hungler, P. (1997). Essentials of nursing research: Methods, appraisal and utilisation (4th ed. ). JB Lippincott. Roberts, K. & Taylor, B. (2002). Nursing research processes: An Australian perspective. Victoria: Nelson. Streubert, H. , & Carpenter, D. (1999). Qualitative research in nursing: Advancing the humanistic imperative (2nd ed. ). Philadelphia: Lippincott.
Sunday, November 10, 2019
Eating out Vs. Eating In Essay
Throughout the years the economy has changed drastically, putting us into a terrible recession. Gas prices have increased, taxes have increased, and many foolish, young girls are having babies that they cannot support, causing them to go on welfare, making hard working citizens such as you, and me pay for their needs. Food is an essential part of daily life. Why waste even more of my hard earned money by eating out, when I can easily save it, and be much healthier by eating in? I am on a tight budget, very family oriented, and conscious about my health, so eating at home, rather than going out is more beneficial because it’s healthier, cheaper, and more comfortable for me to be in my own environment. I don’t know about you, but to me, there is nothing better than a full wallet, a full belly, and being able to kick back, relax, and enjoy the comfort of my home. First off, eating at home is much healthier than eating out. Preparing food at home allows me to control the ingredients that I add to the meal, and I can be sure that the food and dishes are properly cleaned, since I did it myself. Being a huge germ-a-phoebe, I always wash my dishes in hot water, and use lots of soap. I find relief in knowing that only myself, and my family have used our utensils; no one else. Furthermore, I always make sure to thoroughly clean my food before I cook it, to ensure that it is not rotten, and all the bacteria is removed. I do this mostly with meats, lettuce, fruits, and vegetables. I am very conscious about my weight, and my health, so I eat in portions, grill instead of fry, and try to cut out as many carbs, sugars, and fats as I can. However, restaurants do not try to cut out any of those things. In fact, restaurant meals are often fried, and contain high sodium, oil, and fat, which can cause high cholesterol, and weight gain, making them very unhealthy. It also cuts down my options on their menu a great deal. I find it very important to eat healthy so I can keep my energy levels up, maintain a strong mind and body, and prevent myself from possibly developing any health issues in the future. Statistics show that 1 in 4 people a year, suffer from food poising caused by eating out. When I eat at a restaurant I always worry about who is touching my food, if their hands are clean, what they put in my food, or if the food is old, or cleaned properly. I also worry about the eating utensils, and if they are cleaned thoroughly. If they are not, I could be ingesting millions of germs and bacteria from a complete stranger who ate there before me. Restaurants are public places with many people inside; some of which could be ill. If I were to come in contact with them, I could easily catch their germs, and become ill as well. When I eat at home, prepare and clean my own food, and use utensils that I cleaned myself, I never have to worry about any of those health risks caused by eating out. Secondly, eating at home instead of at a restaurant enables me to cut down on my budget, and save more money. Usually, there is always food at my house. My mom always buys macaroni and cheese, soup, lunch meats, cereal, or hot pockets. Whenever I don’t have a taste for any of those things, or if there is none left, my mother and I take a five minute walk to our local Jewel-Osco, where they always have great deals. Just the other day, we bought a four pack of boneless chicken breasts, a pound of pasta, pesto sauce, mushrooms, garlic, lemons, and a 2-liter of soda, for a total of roughly $32 dollars. Restaurants, on the other hand, have to ensure on making enough money to buy more ingredients, pay their employees, pay bills, etc. , so food prices at restaurants are always higher than food I buy at the grocery store, and prepare myself. For example, when my family of four goes out to our favorite Italian restaurant, Giacomos’s, and we order the same exact meal my mother and I purchased at Jewel, it is $16 dollars a plate per person, plus $2 dollars per glass of soda, 25% of the bill as a tip for the waiter, and around $10 dollars in gas to drive there. That totals out to be around $100 dollars, meaning we save roughly $70 dollars just by eating in. A U. S. survey shows that a family can save around $2,000 dollars a year, just by eating at home. Last but not least, I am much more comfortable eating at home, rather than eating out at a restaurant for many reasons. A few years ago, I was with my friend, Sarah at Panera Bread, and a middle aged man came and sat down at a table right next to us, even though there was many empty tables further away. While I was eating, I started to tell Sarah a joke, and when I reached the punch line, we both burst out laughing, and so did the man. After that, he kept staring at me eat, while listening intently to more of our conversation. I felt very annoyed, uncomfortable, and I just wanted to leave. Sometimes restaurants are also very crowded, and noisy, and they have disgusting looking bathrooms that have toilet paper all over the floor, and they smell like rotting pee. Like I mentioned, I am a germ-a-phoebe, and I’m also claustrophobic, so it is very hard to find peace, and comfort in an environment like that. Furthermore, any time I go out to a restaurant, or in public, I always try to look my best just in case I run into a cute guy, or someone I know. This of course takes time. I have to put on makeup, do my hair, and try on a hundred different outfits until I am completely satisfied with how I look. Most of the time I’m satisfied with tight fighting clothing that squeezes my whole body, causing extreme discomfort. Yet when I eat at home, I don’t have to waste time doing any of those things. I can be a bum if I want to, and wear sweatpants. I don’t need to put on makeup, I can throw my hair up in a messy bun, and not have to worry about impressing anyone. Most importantly, I don’t have to stress out about it being too crowded or noisy in my home, since I only live with three other people. I can even sit on my couch, relax, and watch my favorite TV shows while I eat, all snuggled up, comfy, and stress free. More so, I can use my own clean, and fresh smelling bathroom without having to wait in line, or squat above the toilet seat. Can’t beat that. In conclusion, I prefer eating at home rather than eating out because it is healthier, cheaper, and much more comfortable. Not to mention much more sanitary also. I don’t have to worry about food poisoning, nosey strangers, being broke, getting ready, or being uncomfortable. Restaurants cook mainly fatty foods, charge way too much, and are usually crowded and noisy. After a long, hard day at work, I can’t wait to kick my shoes off, change into comfy PJ’s, eat a healthy dinner, and relax in my quiet, stress free house, saving time and money, while finding comfort in the privacy of my home, sweet home.
Friday, November 8, 2019
The Benefits of Artificial Insemenation in Beef Cattle essays
The Benefits of Artificial Insemenation in Beef Cattle essays The University of Georgia Cooperative Extension Service defines Artificial Insemination as the procedure of collecting semen form the male of a species and transferring it to the female reproductive tract so that conception can take place. Artificial Insemination is used throughout the world for many purposes ranging from production agriculture to preventing extinction of endangered animals. The use of this practice is not limited to cows, pigs, and horses, but is used in zoos and other exotic breeding programs on including water buffalo, elephants, and ferrets. Artificial Insemination gives a beef producer the opportunity to use a bull possessing superior genetics on their breeding operation. Depending on the goals of an individuals program, A.I. offers a feasible solution to increasing productivity without sacrificing huge investments. Success in an Artificial Insemination program, however, does require attention to detail in the management and production of a herd. There are several steps to establishing an Artificial Insemination breeding program. These steps include record keeping, heat detection, estrus synchronization, sire selection, and the insemination procedure itself. These procedures, combined with sound herd management practices such as herd health, can allow the producer to reap numerous benefits. Just like any other agricultural practice, Artificial Insemination has had many years of development and research, over three centuries to be exact. Artificial Insemination was haphazardly discovered by Arabian horse breeders in the 1400s. By using a sponge, they took semen for a stud and inserted into a vagina of a mare in heat. Over the next 300 years, many trial and error periods took place. In 1780, Spallanzani, an Italian physiologist, first documented the use of AI on dogs and amphibians. In 1914, a Russian scientist named Ivanoff developed a method of retrieving semen by us...
Wednesday, November 6, 2019
Free Essays on Sister Carrie
Theodore Dreiser’s Sister Carrie is a simple tale of a young, pretty eighteen year old girl Caroline Meeber also know as Carrie. When Carrie got on the train from Columbia City to Chicago she had only few cheap items in her trunk and her sister’s address on a piece of paper. Being only eighteen she was still "full of the illusions of ignorance and youth"(Dreiser, 7). She was both afraid of the things to come and exited by the countless possibilities offered by one of the largest cities of the late 19th century – Chicago. As soon as Carrie arrives in Chicago various obstacles face her. She has no experience at working outside home, which makes finding any work very difficult. She does not like the simple, and in her view, boring way of life her sister and brother in law live. Being this young and curious woman she yearns for more than what is around her. She has no education, no wealth to fall on and as we read the novel we also discover she has no morals. Even th ough at some point Dreiser claims that Carrie is "the victim of the city’s hypnotic influence"(Dreiser, 79) it becomes clear that in fact she is not a helpless victim by any means – she just simply goes along with anything and anyone who comes along. Tired and disappointed with her early days at a low paying hard work Carrie chooses to leave her sister – the only real family she has in the city – and goes off with a Drouet, a man she just recently met on the train. Carrie knew nothing about Drouet except that he seemed to like her and appeared to have more money than she could ever got her hands on. When she goes off with him there is no conflict within her, no regrets, no second thoughts. As soon as an opportunity to leave her boring life arrived Carrie took it and never looked back. All she cared about was the fact that now she no longer needed to work long hours for little pay. By becoming Drouet’s kept woman she no longer had to worry about get ting comfortabl... Free Essays on Sister Carrie Free Essays on Sister Carrie Theodore Dreiser’s Sister Carrie is a simple tale of a young, pretty eighteen year old girl Caroline Meeber also know as Carrie. When Carrie got on the train from Columbia City to Chicago she had only few cheap items in her trunk and her sister’s address on a piece of paper. Being only eighteen she was still "full of the illusions of ignorance and youth"(Dreiser, 7). She was both afraid of the things to come and exited by the countless possibilities offered by one of the largest cities of the late 19th century – Chicago. As soon as Carrie arrives in Chicago various obstacles face her. She has no experience at working outside home, which makes finding any work very difficult. She does not like the simple, and in her view, boring way of life her sister and brother in law live. Being this young and curious woman she yearns for more than what is around her. She has no education, no wealth to fall on and as we read the novel we also discover she has no morals. Even th ough at some point Dreiser claims that Carrie is "the victim of the city’s hypnotic influence"(Dreiser, 79) it becomes clear that in fact she is not a helpless victim by any means – she just simply goes along with anything and anyone who comes along. Tired and disappointed with her early days at a low paying hard work Carrie chooses to leave her sister – the only real family she has in the city – and goes off with a Drouet, a man she just recently met on the train. Carrie knew nothing about Drouet except that he seemed to like her and appeared to have more money than she could ever got her hands on. When she goes off with him there is no conflict within her, no regrets, no second thoughts. As soon as an opportunity to leave her boring life arrived Carrie took it and never looked back. All she cared about was the fact that now she no longer needed to work long hours for little pay. By becoming Drouet’s kept woman she no longer had to worry about get ting comfortabl...
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Reasons for Falling of Students Proficiency Rates and the Resource Assignment
Reasons for Falling of Students Proficiency Rates and the Resource Depletion in the Computation of GDP - Assignment Example Also, I think another reason would be that even if federal funds to be allocated are substantially big when it is divided among numerous public schools all over the country, the end amount may be considerably small already. It may be so small that it is already insufficient to have any bearing on the improvement of proficiency rates. To address this, the act intends to focus on those schools that need the funds more. This is the very reason why there are conditions imposed. To increase the funds of schools with satisfactory student proficiency rates would be a waste of resources. It would have the effect of increasing the already high proficiency rate or some, leaving those with low proficiency rates behind. In my opinion, forest resources are to be considered as capital. Trees in the forest provide a lot of benefits, especially in the environment. And I recognize the fact that it is very important to keep a growing forest. However, prior to being cut down, trees cannot be considered as a product. For me, trees that are still part of the forest cannot be considered as consumption or as an export for the computation of GDP. Nor can they be considered as an investment because there is no spending involved.Hence, if forest resources are capital, its depletion should be considered as depreciation in the capital. "Gross" means that capital depreciation is not considered or subtracted in the equation of GDP. Otherwise, we come up with the Net Domestic Product. As to whether or not an increase in forest resources should be added to GDP, in my opinion, the answer is no. As previously stated, I believe forest reserves are merely capital. As such, decrease or increase in the number of trees in our forest must be considered as a capital loss or gain - which is considered in the computation of NDP, not GDP. I believe that to add it to GDP would cause inaccuracy. The trees, if not cut down would not result in an actual commercial gain.Â
Friday, November 1, 2019
Develop marketing strategie Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Develop marketing strategie - Coursework Example Is the process of creating products to exist into the mind of the consumers with reference to the competitors? We will create the most comprehensive offering that meets our customers demand and carry out an advertisement to differentiate ourselves from competitors. The company will also create unique brands that influence consumers. This is a marketing strategy that tries to analyze the intended market, nature of the target consumers and how much profit will be generated by the product. The company will offer high quality products relative to the competitors so that consumer’s satisfaction is met. The products will reduce obese among the older generation by minimizing their weights. As a result these ventures would increase revenues for the company (Kaufmann, & Panni, 2013). The company will also establish a direct contact between customers and staffs so that they can air their grievances incase of dissatisfaction and corrective measures taken. Through face to face relationship, consumers are also made to understand the product best that increases their purchasing power hence high profits to the company. The company uses various ways to determine how much will be charged for products as it is one of the key components to the success of our organization. Our products are of high quality than our competitors, having the unique brands in the industry and packaging will be into sizes that suits our consumer’s capabilities. Thus our prices will be relatively affordable to the customers and can compete with the rivals. However, in the long-run the company would maximize its output so that we can enjoy the economies of scale (Kaufmann, & Panni, 2013). This reduces our prices by a bigger percentage and improving our qualities. We will thus have a chance to be the market leaders due to increased revenues. The company offers
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