Friday, May 31, 2019
Inventing a Writing Technology Essay -- Literature Techniques Papers
Inventing a Writing TechnologyAt first glance, inventing a new theme technology seems alike an easy task. The pencil is a writing technology, and whats so complicated about it? It appears to be a fairly primitive writing utensil. Certainly, I tooshie conjure up something that reasonably fits the definition of a new writing technology. But looking a little more deeply, I have to carry on that the basic concept of the pencil has lasted for centuries it manifestly serves its purpose extremely well. And, in reality, in 2004, there are hundreds of companies who, in turn, employ thousands whose specific purpose is to trope and produce these seemingly simple handheld writing devices. Its beginning to sound a little more complicated. Lastly, a pencil has an inherent susceptibility and portability that is hard to beat. Within the structure of my prone assignment, I dont think I can invent the next pencil, barely the spare-time activity describes my best attempt at inventin g a new writing technology, and some reflections on the relationship between writing and technology Inventing and WritingTo generate a focus for this project, I mentally brainstormed ideas and progressed from innate materials (grass, twigs) to various household materials (Diet Coke labels, pipe cleaners, foil), until I started going through my closets and hit upon the concept of utilizing board games in some way. Since we needed to use an alphabet, but no writing materials, most games were eliminated they use paper cards or symbolic pieces. Scrabble seemed perfect since it has a movable alphabet small wooden tiles with letters imprinted on them. And besides, its my favorite childhood game, probably since I could win when I played again... ...nne Trubek. modern York Longman, 2003. 35-53. Eisenstein, Elizabeth. Some Features of Print Culture. 1983. Writing square Readings from Plato to the Digital Age. Ed. Evelyn B. Tribble and Anne Trubek. New York Longman, 2003. 124- 134.National Scrabble Association. History of Scrabble. 2 July 2004 . Ong, Walter. Writing is a Technology that Restructures Thought. 1985. Writing tangible Readings from Plato to the Digital Age. Ed. Evelyn B. Tribble and Anne Trubek. New York Longman, 2003. 315-337.Plato. Phaedrus. Trans. H. N. Fowler, 1914. Writing substantial Readings from Plato to the Digital Age. Ed. Evelyn B. Tribble and Ann Trubek. New York Longman, 2003. 360-364. Tribble, Evelyn B. and Trubek, Ann. Writing Material Readings from Plato to the Digital Age. Ed. New York Longman, 2003 Inventing a Writing Technology Essay -- lit Techniques PapersInventing a Writing TechnologyAt first glance, inventing a new writing technology seems like an easy task. The pencil is a writing technology, and whats so complicated about it? It appears to be a fairly primitive writing utensil. Certainly, I can conjure up something that reasonably fits the description of a new writing technology. But looking a little more deeply, I have to consider that the basic concept of the pencil has lasted for centuries it apparently serves its purpose extremely well. And, in reality, in 2004, there are hundreds of companies who, in turn, employ thousands whose specific purpose is to design and produce these seemingly simple hand-held writing devices. Its beginning to sound a little more complicated. Lastly, a pencil has an inherent efficiency and portability that is hard to beat. Within the structure of my given assignment, I dont think I can invent the next pencil, but the following describes my best attempt at inventing a new writing technology, and some reflections on the relationship between writing and technology Inventing and WritingTo generate a focus for this project, I mentally brainstormed ideas and progressed from natural materials (grass, twigs) to various household materials (Diet Coke labels, pipe cleaners, foil), until I started going through my closets and hit upon the concept of utilizing board games in some way. Since we needed to use an alphabet, but no writing materials, most games were eliminated they use paper cards or symbolic pieces. Scrabble seemed perfect since it has a movable alphabet small wooden tiles with letters imprinted on them. And besides, its my favorite childhood game, probably since I could win when I played again... ...nne Trubek. New York Longman, 2003. 35-53. Eisenstein, Elizabeth. Some Features of Print Culture. 1983. Writing Material Readings from Plato to the Digital Age. Ed. Evelyn B. Tribble and Anne Trubek. New York Longman, 2003. 124-134.National Scrabble Association. History of Scrabble. 2 July 2004 . Ong, Walter. Writing is a Technology that Restructures Thought. 1985. Writing Material Readings from Plato to the Digital Age. Ed. Evelyn B. Tribble and Anne Trubek. New York Longman, 2003. 315-337.Plato. Phaedrus. Trans. H. N. Fowler, 1914. Writing Material Readings from Plato to the Digital Age. Ed. Evelyn B. Tribble and Ann Trubek. New York Longman, 2003. 360-364. Tribble, Evelyn B. and Trubek, Ann. Writing Material Readings from Plato to the Digital Age. Ed. New York Longman, 2003
Thursday, May 30, 2019
Capital Punishment in the United States Essay -- Capital Punishment, De
Capital punishment has been a controversial topic in association to ethics all of its existence. Issues pertaining to the proceeding methods, reasonability in the family of punishment to the crime, who receives the death penalty, and innocence have been discussed and researched in great lengths. Capital punishment is still an active form of deterrence in the United States for crimes considered the clear up of the worst. In this paper I will discuss the history of the death penalty. I will also disclose information on the dynamics of race, method, and courtroom cases valid to the death penalty.HistoryThe origination of the death penalty in America stems mainly from the influence of Britain. Capital punishment was a common turn in British culture and the British brought the practice with them when they settled in America. The death penalty was used as punishment for a variety of crimes, ranging from execute to disobedience of ones mother or father. In 1612 the Divine, Moral and Marital laws were passed. These laws allowed the punishment of death for petty crimes like stealing grapes, killing chickens, and affair with Native Americans. Executions were a public scene until the 1830s, that most were eventually moved to the interior of prisons. However, there were some public executions (especially in the South and West) that were make in public until the twentieth century. The laws and regulations pertaining to the death penalty differed from colony to colony (Death Penalty Information Center, 2011). Though capital punishment was common there were critics of the practice. nearly questioned its morality and effectiveness as a deterrent to crime. There were many abolitionists supporting the movement to eliminate th... ...nity, staff, a spiritual or religious advisor, media, and severalise selected witnesses (Lethal Injection Procedure, 2010). Innocent people do end up on death row, some are exonerated and some die waiting for their execution or at their scheduled death. Since 1973 there have been 139 exonerations (Innocence Project, 2011). The criterion that permits exoneration are they were ac-quitted at retrial, all charges were dropped, or they were given(p) an absolute pardon given by the governor based on new evidence of innocence (Death Penalty Information Center, 2011). Individuals on death row typically serve a 13 year average before their exoneration. However, there are those that are innocent to still receive the death penalty. The number is hard to pin down, but most cases where innocence was still lingering are often not looked into after the death of the individual.
Wednesday, May 29, 2019
Bruce Lee info Essay examples -- essays research papers
What is Jeet Kune Do?Simply put, its English translation is "way of the intercepting fist." Bruce studies all types of fighting from American Boxing to Thai Kickboxing. His simple philosophy was rather than block a punch and hit back with two distinct motions, why not intercept and hit in one, fluid stroke. fluidness was the ideal. "Try and obtain a nicely-tied package of water," Bruce would taunt. "Just like water, we must keep moving on," Inosanto reitterates. "For once water stops, it becomes stagnant." Water, Bruce would al slipway give as an example, is the toughtest social occasion on Earth. It is virtually indestructable it is soft, yet it can tear rocks apart. Move like water. Bruce dissected rigid classical disciplines and rebuilt them with fluid, po-mo improvements. "Its good but it needs restructuring," he would say. classic techniques did not take into account the reality of street fighting. Jeet Kune Do did. It was pragmatic, reality-based, empirical- not a bunch of stances, postures and mumbo jumbo handed down from antiquity. Bruce utilized all ways but was bound by none. "Efficiency is anything that scores." What happened with the Martial Arts motion picture industry after the death of Bruce Lee?After Bruces death, the Martial Arts movie industry boomed, hundreds of look-alike Bruces began to try out to make Martial Arts movies. They even used similar names, like Bruce Le, and Bruce L...
Different Types of American Families :: essays research papers
Family NormsThis is a guide to the norms of an American family if you be not from America and plan to live here you will find this information useful. Family to most Americans is unrivaled of the most cherished aspects of America. All families ar diametrical but as a part of the American society they share certain norms. A emblematic American family is the thermonuclear family this consists of the mother father and children. The nuclear family is the most common subject of family. A polygamous family includes more than one spouse. This type of family is tump overed wrongful in American society and in most states it is illegal. The all-embracing family includes the mother, father, children, and other relatives like grandparents, aunts or uncles. This type of family is also common in America, but not as common as the nuclear family.Whom do Americans consider their relatives? An American family considers anyone from their bloodline to be their relatives. When two mass become married they inherit the relatives on two sides of the family, referred to as the in-laws. Whom do Americans marry?America is nigh completely open on the idea of whom they can marry. One of the most wrongful marriages are those that are incestuous. The marriage of close kin is a broad taboo in America. This is illegal and will get you a free ticket to jail. Another type of marriage that is taboo to America is same-sex marriages. Two people of the same-sex can not be legally married in almost all of U.S.Who has the authority in American families? It used to be that only the anthropoid of the family had the most authority but that has slowly been changing. With increasingly good money making jobs opening up for women the authority of some families have shifted toward women because they are at once the bread winner of the family.Different Types of American Families essays research papers Family NormsThis is a guide to the norms of an American family if you are not from America a nd plan to live here you will find this information useful. Family to most Americans is one of the most cherished aspects of America. All families are different but as a part of the American society they share certain norms. A typical American family is the nuclear family this consists of the mother father and children. The nuclear family is the most common type of family. A polygamous family includes more than one spouse. This type of family is considered wrongful in American society and in most states it is illegal. The extended family includes the mother, father, children, and other relatives like grandparents, aunts or uncles. This type of family is also common in America, but not as common as the nuclear family.Whom do Americans consider their relatives? An American family considers anyone from their bloodline to be their relatives. When two people become married they inherit the relatives on both sides of the family, referred to as the in-laws. Whom do Americans marry?America is almost completely open on the idea of whom they can marry. One of the most wrongful marriages are those that are incestuous. The marriage of close kin is a huge taboo in America. This is illegal and will get you a free ticket to jail. Another type of marriage that is taboo to America is same-sex marriages. Two people of the same-sex can not be legally married in almost all of U.S.Who has the authority in American families? It used to be that only the male of the family had the most authority but that has slowly been changing. With increasingly good money making jobs opening up for women the authority of some families have shifted toward women because they are now the bread winner of the family.
Tuesday, May 28, 2019
How to Make Ski Wax :: Process Essays
Ingredients and formula for super fast ,all temp, racing ski climb on(1) 5 lbs of paraffin oil wax(I use a 160 degree melt temperature wax)(2) 1/2 lb of paraflint wax hardener (3) a bar of Ivory soap (4) a fixing size tube of Crest high fluoride toothpaste (5)a heaping tablespoon of spruce gum(resin from a spruce tree) The paraffin and paraflint hardener can be easily and cheaply obtained from most wax light supply companies.The soap and toothpaste are easy enough.The spruce gum can be obtained from whatever specie of spruce tree.It exudes from wounds in the bark or wiped out(p) branches.Make sure it is soft and clean,free from any dirt or bark.Spruce trees are common in many towns and suburban areas.Check ones near roads that have been recently pruned or ask the landowner permission to collect some from their tree.A lot of spruce on lawns have the bottom branches pruned. Use a pocket knife or spoon and a small jar with lid to collect the gum.In addition to these ingredient s you will also need An outdoor cookstove or grill ,a freezer,a great(p) and small cooking pot,stove mitts,a butterknife,a cheesegrater,a handheld mixer/blender,a clock or watch,a bowl,and a few of the cheap pie tins or tin bread molds to pour the liquid wax into.CAUTIONMELTING WAX CAN BE VERY DANGEROUS.IT IS ADVISABLE TO HAVE SOMEONE ELSE PRESENT WHEN MAKING THIS WAX.MELT IT OUTDOORS AWAY FROM BUILDINGS TO AVOID FIRE.KEEP CHILDREN AND ANIMALS AWAY.Step1-Put the pie tins or tin bread molds in the freezer to get them cold.Step2-With the cheesegrater, finely grate the entire bar of soap into the bowl.Step3-With the butterknife thinly spread the spruce gum on one side of all the bars of paraffin.(To make this easier you may need to warm the gum near a gentle heat source)Step4-Pour the paraflint into the small cooking pot, instal it on the burner and turn on the flame(low heat).Step5-Put a bar of paraffin in the big cooking pot(gum side up),put it on the burner and turn on the flame(h igh heat).When the bar melts put in another and when that melts anotheruntil all are melted.(If any impurities rise to the top,skim them off with a spoon or mesh spoon.There shouldnt be any if the gum is clean.)Step6-As soon as all bars of wax are melted begin blending the wax and gum while pouring in the soap.Continue blending.(high speed)Step7-When the soap and wax are thoroughly blended, squeeze the entire tube of toothpaste into the mixture while blending and continue to blend until the toothpaste is thoroughly incorporated into the mixture.
How to Make Ski Wax :: Process Essays
Ingredients and formula for super fast ,all temp, racing ski put on(1) 5 lbs of paraffin wax(I use a 160 degree melt temperature wax)(2) 1/2 lb of paraflint wax hardener (3) a bar of Ivory whip (4) a regular size electron tube of Crest high fluoride toothpaste (5)a heaping tablespoon of spruce gum(resin from a spruce tree) The paraffin and paraflint hardener can be easily and cheaply obtained from most candle supply companies.The soap and toothpaste are easy enough.The spruce gum can be obtained from any specie of spruce tree.It exudes from wounds in the bark or broken branches.Make sure it is prosperous and clean,free from any dirt or bark.Spruce trees are common in many towns and suburban areas.Check ones near roads that have been recently pruned or ask the landowner permission to collect some from their tree.A lot of spruce on lawns have the bottom branches pruned. Use a pocket knife or spoon and a small jar with lid to collect the gum.In addition to these ingredients you will also need An outdoor cookstove or grill ,a freezer,a large and small prep pot,stove mitts,a butterknife,a cheesegrater,a handheld mixer/blender,a clock or watch,a bowl,and a few of the cheap pie tins or tin saccharide molds to pour the liquid wax into.CAUTIONthawing WAX CAN BE VERY DANGEROUS.IT IS ADVISABLE TO HAVE SOMEONE ELSE PRESENT WHEN MAKING THIS WAX.MELT IT OUTDOORS AWAY FROM BUILDINGS TO AVOID FIRE.KEEP CHILDREN AND ANIMALS AWAY.Step1-Put the pie tins or tin bread molds in the freezer to get them cold.Step2-With the cheesegrater, finely grate the entire bar of soap into the bowl.Step3-With the butterknife thinly spread the spruce gum on one ramp of all the bars of paraffin.(To make this easier you may need to warm the gum near a gentle heat source)Step4-Pour the paraflint into the small cooking pot,put it on the burner and pervert on the flame(low heat).Step5-Put a bar of paraffin in the big cooking pot(gum side up),put it on the burner and turn on the flame(high h eat).When the bar melts put in other and when that melts anotheruntil all are melted.(If any impurities rise to the top,skim them off with a spoon or mesh spoon.There shouldnt be any if the gum is clean.)Step6-As in short as all bars of wax are melted begin blending the wax and gum while pouring in the soap.Continue blending.(high speed)Step7-When the soap and wax are thoroughly blended, squeeze the entire tube of toothpaste into the mixture while blending and continue to blend until the toothpaste is thoroughly incorporated into the mixture.
Monday, May 27, 2019
Ips Cells
Recently, there has been a debate about rather or not laws that govern bring forth pluripotent stem (IPS) cells protest from those currently in place for tender-hearted embryonic stem (ES) cells. An IPS cell is created artificially from skin, fat and fibroblasts by reprogramming patients own cells. Scientists believe IPS cells to be a promising writer for treating diseases. An ES cell is created by destroying an embryo. Other scientists think ES cells will also be a promising source because it is composed of your own DNA, so the immune system wont reject the cell.While scientists would agree that the same laws should apply because they believe in finding a cure to diseases, early(a) people would disagree. Some people would say that ES cells are unethical because scientists need a human egg donor, and they must destroy a human embryo. The laws should not be the same for ES cells as they are for IPS cells because the creation for ES cells are unethical. (learn. genetics. utah. edu ) Abortion is murder in the womb A baby bird is a gift of God. If you do not want him, give him to me. Mother Teresa (gardenias4lina. com) An elementary scientific textbook called Basics of Biology gives fin characteristics of living things these five criteria are found in all modern elementary scientific textbooks 1. Living things are highly organized. 2. All living things have an ability to give rise materials and energy. 3. All living things have an ability to respond to their environment. 4. All living things have an ability to reproduce. 5. All living things have an ability to adapt.According to this basic explanation of purport, life begins at fertilization, when a sperm unites with an oocyte. (prolifephysicians. org) Some people may disagree, but if they can teach this to elementary students, then adults, especially scientists should be able to understand. Also, by destroying an embryo, you are destroying a human life not only destroying the life, but infringing upon th e basic rights. The basic rights and freedoms to which all humans are entitled, often held to allow in the right to life and liberty, freedom of thought and expression, and equality before the law.Other people find nothing wrong with destroying an embryo, murdering a human being. They think that from a medical examination and scientifical stand point, destroying one embryo to possibly cure a disease is worth it. The life they just took, may have found the cure without fetching a life. The government spending money on creating ES cells, (which are time consuming, destroy the embryos and need a human egg donor)on something that a dish of people find unethical, and is even against religion is wrong.The United States is supposed to have seperation of state and church, therefore someones tax dollars should not go towards something that their religion is against. Laws that govern IPS cells should differ from those currently in place for human ES cells. ES cells are unethical, and is a gainst the religion of some people. Also, ES research is just as wrongful and disterbing as abortion. Scientists in the United States are not allowed to impregnate a women, but they are allowed to use leftovers from fertility clinics with the consent from donors.Human embryos are not leftovers, that is like reflection the corps of your grandmother are leftovers just because you took the life before it reached full maturity, doesnt make it a leftover. Abortion is legal for any women regaurdless of her age, and is allowed throughout the initiative six months of prgnancy, and for almost any reason after the six months as well. America is full of murders. If you were to look at a baby and say that you could murder it for no reason, you are sickSo, why would you do it before the baby gets a chance to live? Using an embryo to save a life does not justify taking a life. An eye for an eye The notion that for every wrong done there should be a compensating measure of justice. (phrases. or g. uk) mortal please find these embryos justice. Do not allow ES research, it is unethical. Citations citizenlink. com gardenias4lina. com learn. genetics. utah. edu phrases. org. uk prolifephysicians. org thefreedictionary. com
Sunday, May 26, 2019
Georges Braque And Pablo Picasso Essay
The Frenchman Georges Braque (1882-1963) and the Spaniard Pablo Picasso (1881-1973) are considered the most(prenominal) influential artists of the twentieth century and the exquisite geniuses who created and developed the cubist movement, undoubtedly the most subverter one in Western art. During a certain period of time, both artists worked together in the same studio breaking down subjects they keyed into several(prenominal) facets and presenting their different aspects at the same time, experimenting with geometrical forms, and exploring unconventional techniques in painting all of which either shocked or impressed and interested the audition.Although Braque and Picassos confederacy did not last for long and their esthetical careers ulterior went their own ways, the cubist movement they created and developed while working side by side in their genus Paris studio has influenced the whole generations of artists around the world (Mataev). Georges Braque Born in 1882 in Argenteu il-sur-Seine, France, Georges Braque attended the Ecole des Beaux-Arts in Le Havre during 1897-1899 and then moved to Paris where he received his craftsman certificate.During 1902-1904, the young artist studied painting and worked at the Academie Humbert. Impressed by Matisse and Derains fauvist ideas, he produced and then presented his eldest fauve paintings in Paris Salon des Independants in 1907. By 1908, however, Braque lost interest in fauvism and adopted the artistic style that would be later called cubism (Georges Braque). In 1909, Braque started to work with Pablo Picasso and their fruitful partnership resulted in the development of the revolutionary cubist movement in painting.The styles that both of them adopted were quite similar for almost two years during which they introduced collage elements into their works and experimented a lot with the pasted paper technique. In Page 2 his paintings, Braque explored the effects of light and perspective and challenged tralatit ious artistic conventions of that time. His works of this period were characterized by neutral color and sophisticated patterns of form as it can be seen, for example, in his Violin and Pitcher (Georges Braque).The fertile partnership with Picasso ended in 1914 when Braque enrolled in the French army and went off to war. In 1915, he got severely wounded in one of the battles and after get in 1917 Braque resumed painting and began an artistic collaboration with Juan Gris (Georges Braque). After World War I, Braques style was characterized by more freedom, a richer color range, and the front end of gentle figures. He produced a considerable number of dumb lifes and rose to prominence particularly in 1922 after showing his paintings in the Salon dAutomne in Paris.By 1930, Braque interpreted nature more possibleally although some aspects of the cubist style were still present in his paintings. After that, the artist produced many works including sculptures and graphics that became particularly somber during World War II (Georges Braque). During the 1950s, Braque depicted various themes including seascapes, landscapes, birds, and also made lithographs and designed jewelry. The great French artist died in August, 1963, in Paris after several years of suffering from health deterioration.Braques most known paintings include Violin and Palette, Piano and Guitar, Guitar and Clarinet, The tabulate, The Round Table, The Day, the Studio series, and many other works (Russell, 1982). Pablo Picasso Pablo Picasso was born in 1881 in Malaga, Spain, where he lived until the age of ten. In 1892, Picasso began to attend the shallow of Fine Arts in La Coruna and then in 1895 he Page 3 entered the School of Fine Arts in Barcelona where he showed his outgrowthborn academic work The First Communion at a local exhibition.Picasso pursued his studies at the Royal Academy of San Fernando in Madrid, dropped out after solely a couple of months, and began to visit the Prado where he copied the works of the old artists trying to imitate their styles. In 1900, Picasso opened a studio in Paris and the starting signal painting he produced there was Le Moulin de la Galette (Mataev). Suicide committed by his friend and poet Casagemas in 1901 came as a great shock to Picasso influencing him to paint number one the Death of Casagemas in color and then the Death of Casagemas in blue, and also Evocation the Burial of Casagemas.At that period, the artist used predominantly young and blue and depicted despair, poverty, and unhappiness showing his restlessness and loneliness. The paintings that Picasso produced during 1901-1904 are known as the Blue Period works. The Rose Period, which was the next stage in his artistic career, started around 1905 when Picassos palette became lighter, and pink, rose, yellow, and beige were pervasive in his paintings in which he mostly portrayed graceful acrobats, circus performers, and harlequins. (Mataev Pablo Picasso)Impressed with African ethnical art, Picasso began to combine its angular structures and his modern ideas about geometrical forms which, in 1907, resulted in the creation of Les demoiselles dAvignon, his first cubist painting. Picasso and his new friend Braque explored the possibilities of the new artistic style and in the beginning their paintings could not be easily distinguished. 1909 saw the beginning of the painters analytical cubism whose main propertys, faceted stereo-metric shapes, can be seen in his Bread and Fruit Dish on a Table or cleaning woman with Pears.After the exhaustion of analytical cubism, Picasso experimented with collages which lead to the arrival of unreal cubism works with large, schematic patterns as it can be seen in The Guitar (Mataev Hughes, 1998). Page 4 After the cubist period in Picasso artistic career came the classical scholar period with quite a traditional patterns such as in The Lovers. But during this period he occasionally returned to cubism and in 1921 produced Three Musicians, one of his most most-valuable masterpieces.Picassos classicist paintings also include The Pipes of Pan, Women Running on the Beach, and The Seated Harlequin. After that, Picasso was greatly influenced by the surrealist movement and produced His Woman with Flower and several other interesting paintings. In 1937, he expressed his personal view of the tragic events in the Basque province that was bombed by Germans in his spacious mural work Guernica and in Weeping Woman. While living in his villa near Cannes, in 1956 Picasso painted his Studio La Californie at Cannes and Jackeline in the Studio.Then he moved to the Chateau Vauvenargues where he lived and painted until his death in 1973 (Mataev). Still Life with a Guitar and Mandolin, Fruit Bowl, Bottle, and cover Both Pablo Picassos painting Mandolin, Fruit Bowl, Bottle, and Cake and Georges Braques painting Still Life with a Guitar were produced in 1924 in France and are now located in the European Modern Paintings section of the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York.Both works are still lifes with the presence of cubist elements, are painted in oils on canvas, and each of them represents a certain stage in Picasso and Braques artistic careers. If during 1909-1914 both artists worked side by side to create cubism and their styles and paintings were mostly indistinguishable, in 1924, however, when the above mentioned works were produced, the divergence in Picasso and Braques cubist ideas could be easily seen in their paintings (Mataev).While Picassos still life Mandolin, Fruit Bowl, Bottle, and Cake is composed of only man-made objects (a cake, a fruit bowl, a bottle, and a mandolin), Braques painting Still Life with a Guitar depicts both man-made (a pipe, a jug, sheet music, a cup, a fruit bowl, and a guitar) and natural (pears placed next to sheet music and in the fruit bowl) Page 5 objects. The presence of musical instruments and fruit bowls in both paintings invokes some common themes or at least it makes the mantraps think of them when they look at them for the first time.The main objects in both paintings are placed on tablecloths spread in a different manner on what appears to be tables. The objects in Braques picture are much smaller than those in Picassos work in which the size of some of them is somewhat disproportionate when compared to other objects. Braque and Picasso use spot in their paintings in an entirely different way. thither is quite a bit of space between the objects located in the foreground of Picassos still life and the peach can easily see their whole forms.By contrast, in Braques paintings the objects in the foreground seem to be concentrated intimately to each other in one place and part of some of them are hidden by other objects. The use of space by Picasso gives the audience the impression of more freedom and ease while Braque seems to impose certain limits in movement and space. In Picassos painting, the viewers attention is first attracted by the main four objects in the foreground, and then by the objects and forms located in the background, particularly by what appears to be a wall and part of a window.By contrast, it seems that Braques intention is to concentrate the viewers attention only on the objects that can be seen in the foreground. He does not run any detail as to what is in the background as though he does not want to divert the audiences attention from the bosom of interest of the painting. Another important difference between the paintings as far as the objects and their forms are concerned is that Braques work is much more realistic than Picassos.Except for the window in the background, Picasso seems to depict in his picture not the objects such as the cake or fruit bowl but rather the shapes that invoke those objects. What attracts the Page 6 viewers attention in particular is the flatness of the forms of Picassos objects that are defined by lines. Although some parts and forms of his objects are disproportionate, Braques objects, however, are unambiguous and closer to reality. The use of color is another important characteristic that distinguishes Picassos painting from Braques work.In Picassos Mandolin, Fruit Bowl, Bottle, and Cake bright and vivid colors are predominant and much brighter and richer than those in Braques Still Life with a Guitar conveying to the viewer a light and pleasant mood. By contrast, the somber aspect of Braques painting whose color range varies from dark brown to dark beige makes the viewer impressed with its gloom and sadness. In Picassos picture, the general color range of objects in the foreground is slightly more somber compared to the color range in the background.By contrast, in Braques work, the relatively somber objects in the foreground are placed against an even darker background. The only bright-colored objects in this picture seem to be sheet music and a pipe appearing incongruous to a certain extent against the backdr op of its general color range. Another distinctive characteristic is the color of the objects themselves. Except for the window in the background, the color of most objects in Picassos painting is area, for example, a plain dark red bottle, a plain bright yellow fruit bowl, and so on.Braque, by contrast, adds to the color of every object thick brush-strokes of black as if to emphasize the somber mood of the painting. There is also some difference in how the artists paint the objects in the pictures with their brushes. In Picassos Mandolin, Fruit Bowl, Bottle, and Cake the paint is applied thinly in most areas, although in some places it is quite thick. In Still Life with a Guitar Braques bold brushwork is pervasive.REFERENCES 1. Georges Braque. Retrieved may 10, 2008 from the World Wide Web http//www. mcs. csuhayward. edu/malek/Braque. hypertext markup language 2. Hughes, R. (1998, June 8). Pablo Picasso. prison term magazine.Retrieved May 10, 2008 from the World Wide Web http//w ww. time. com/time/time100/artists/profile/picasso. html 3. Mataev, Y. Pablo Picasso. Retrieved May 10, 2008 from the World Wide Web http//www. abcgallery. com/P/picasso/picassobio. htmlBetween 4. Pablo Picasso. Retrieved May 10, 2008 from the World Wide Web http//www. artchive. com/artchive/P/picasso. html 5. Russell, J. (1982, January 17). Rediscovering Georges Braque in his Centenary Year. New York Times on the Web. Retrieved May 10, 2008 from the World Wide Web http//query. nytimes. com/gst/fullpage. html? res=990DE5DB1138F934A25752C0A964948260&sec=&spon=&pagewanted=all
Saturday, May 25, 2019
Essay about George Orwell Essay
Themes are the fundamental and often universal ideas explored in a literary work. George Orwell re- functions many of his themes in erect to get his point across. In Why I Write, Orwell states that one of the reasons he writes is for political purpose. He expresses this theme in his essays, An Episode of Bed-wetting and St. Cyprians, as well as his overbolds, 1984 and Animal Farm.In An Episode of Bed-wetting and St. Cyprians, Orwell expresses how he feels about the politics in the school, St. Cyprians. term attending St. Cyprians Orwell and many of the other boys who were not rich, were treated unfairly. Sambo, the headmaster, and Flip, his wife, always seemed to look down upon the boys who were not rich and did not have titles. Orwell steady tells the reader, The rich boys had milk and biscuits in the middle of the morning, they were given riding lessons once a week, Flip mothered then and called them by their Christian names, and above all they were never canned (Atwan 166). In An Episode of Bed-wetting, Orwell mentions the Sixth Form.It was a group at school made up of older boys who were selected as having character and were empower to beat smaller boys (Atwan 16). It was made clear by Orwell that this tradition was a bit strange. But after his second flogging he claimed, the second beating seemed to me a just and reasonable punishment (Atwan 18). Orwell is trying to make the reader understand that the administration at St. Cyprians has corrupted the boys by make them think that the Sixth Form is an appropriate way of handling matters.Orwell states in Why I Write, that he is against totalitarianism and for democratic socialism (Atwan 418). George Orwell create 1984 in 1949, the same year that the Soviet Union exploded its first atomic bomb. The arms race that followed the Soviets evolution of nuclear weaponry quickly escalated into the unheated War, which raged for the next four decades as the enormous ideological gulf separating capitalism and de mocracy from totalitarianism and Communism led to mutual hatred between the united States and the Soviet Union, the worlds most powerful nations. Also, many of the methods that the Party in 1984 uses to sustain its absolute power, much(prenominal) as the rewriting of hi paper and the use of political icons, were actuallyemployed in Communist nations around the world. Big Brother is similar to Lenin in the Soviet Union and Mao in China. In 1984, Orwell portrays the perfect totalitarian society, the most extreme realization imaginable of a modern-day government with absolute power.The title of the novel was meant to indicate to its readers in 1949 that the story represented a real possibility for the near future if totalitarianism were not opposed, the title suggested, some variation of the world described in the novel could become a reality in only thirty-five years. Orwell portrays a state in which government monitors and ascendances every aspect of human life to the conclusion that even having a disloyal thought is against the law. In 1984 Orwell writes, Who controls the past controls the future. Who controls the present controls the past (Orwell 63). The Party has complete political power in the present, enabling it to control the way in which its subjects think about and interpret the past every history book reflects Party ideology, and individuals are forbidden from keeping mementos of their own pasts, such as photographs and documents. As a result, the citizens of Oceania have a very short, fuzzy memory, and are willing to believe anything that the Party tells them.Animal Farm, by George Orwell, is verbalize to be most famous in the West as a stinging critique of the history and rhetoric of the Russian Revolution. Retelling the story of the emergence and development of Soviet communism in the form of an animal fable, Animal Farm allegorizes the rise to power of the dictator Joseph Stalin. Although Orwell believed strongly in socialist ideals, he fel t up that the Soviet Union realized these ideals in a terribly perverse form. His novel creates its most powerful ironies in the moments in which Orwell depicts the corruption of Animalist ideals by those in power. Even though Animal Farm serves not so much to condemn tyranny or despotism as to indict the horrifying fraud of tyrannies that base themselves on, and owe their initial power to, ideologies of liberation and equality.The gradual disintegration and perversion of the Seven Commandments illustrates this hypocrisy with vivid force. In Animal Farm, Orwell writes, each animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others (Orwell 112). In this statement, the rulers (the pigs), are re-writing laws to make things favor them. Also, many people will misread the playscript equal in thefirst part as a relative term rather than an absolute one. Once a misreading like this takes place, the gist ideals of the animal farm, and any human nation, gradually become corrupted.Orw ell uses polemics in order to make his reader think his views are correct. Politics are extremely authorised to George Orwell, which is why he always seems to write about it.Works CitedAtwan, Robert. Ten on Ten. Bedford Books of St. Martins Press Boston, 1992Orwell, George. 1984. Harcourt Brace Javanovich, Inc. London, 1949Orwell, George. Animal Farm A faery Story. Harcourt Brace & Company London, 1946
Friday, May 24, 2019
Succubus on Top CHAPTER 15
A dozen snappy sleep togetherbacks rose to my lips, but the intense looks on both their faces do me call up break by of it. Instead, I opted for the obvious next question.What do you mean?The edge of Carters lips turned into a half-grin. My goodness. I ideal youd be up on your lore. Greek mythology especially.Well, oxtongueis called the Food of the Gods, I scoreered slowly. I had gr testify up in a Greco-Roman society, but that didnt mean I was an expert on all the stories. Id unless been exposed to or so in my y break throughh. It wasnt until later scholars started compiling tales from all over the Greek world that I learned respectable how vast the mythology was.Yes, said Carter, tearful at me as one would a child reciting a lesson. Jerome remained tight-lipped, a stormy expression on his face. What else do you jazz?Ambrosia was what gave the gods their immortality, I continued. Although I constantly thought it was some kind of drink I stopped myself. The crystals wer ent liquid at the moment, but they were meant to be consumed that way. A further alarming thought hit me. Are you saying this Greek stuff will do work Doug and the early(a)s immortal?Im shoot down unspoilt unstoppable now. A god, babe.Not exactly, said Carter. And I chew over I should point surface that ambrosia isnt just found in the Greek stories. It appears in almost every cultures legends in one form or another. In King Arthurs world, it was said to impart filled the Holy Grail. It gave new perceptions and enlightenment to its drinkers, and promised to heal the land. Some sire also suggested the flames that appeared over the apostles heads at the eat of Pentecost were not flames at all, but rather visions they saw after drinking ambrosia. It made the apostles vivid and charismatic and let them communicate with people of all cultures and languages.I know a event of devout Christians my good friend Dana included who would retrieve that offensive.Jerome couldnt stay sil ent any more than, despite how disgruntled this topic appeared to make him. conceive of her reaction if she knew that some people generate speculated the Eucharist has little to do with the blood of Christ and more to do with a lost ambrosia ceremony. express people argue those who participate today are totally mimicking the ancient experience, equating the Holy Spirit with the high from ambrosia.That would upset a lot of people, I agreed. All three of us knew that many of the rites and beliefs that had been passed down to today were bastardizations of the originals. Some, not all.Carter continued on pleasantly, equal he was in an auditorium giving a lecture. superannuated Hindu culture called ambrosia soma and even personified it as a god of the same name. His presence was as intoxicating as the drink itself and mazed the senses of those around him. Soma was also the feel-good drug in Brave New World, I recalled. I didnt realize how widespread this was.He nodded. And these s tories are only the bullock of the iceberg. A lot more where they came from.I enjoyed the information. Getting any shield of meaningful explanation from these dickens was usually same(p) driving through business district Seattle in rush hour slow, painful, and fraught with collisions. And yet, forthcoming or not, they werent exactly giving me what I conveyed.Yeah, but you qats are real careful to say things like some people believe or they say. Which is it? Whats really difference on? Are any of those stories true?Carters gray eyes twinkled. Ah, I merchant shipt spoil the mysteries. Humans top their lives trying to discern the truth of divinity. Even a succubus cant be in on all the secrets.I gave him an exasperated look. This was more like their ordinary behavior. Okay, forget the myths. Can you tell me whats up with this stuff, then? Does it make people immortal?Angel and demon looked at separately other. No, they both said in unison. except it makes you feel like you a re, said Carter.I thought nigh Dougs reckless behavior, his overwhelming confidence about everything from performing his music to stage-diving. He had no fear, no concern that anything might be less than perfect.So its like a stimulant or any other mood-altering drug, then, I said. It makes you feel good.The paragon shook his head. No. Its a lot more than that. Ambrosia works by He grasped for the words. I guess the take up way to put it is that it amplifies your best abilities. It commences out what youre good at, what shines in you. And then it cranks up the volume on that to, well, godly levels, I guess.Yes, of course, I breathed.That was why the band had utterly shot off so successfully and rapidly. They were talented already. The ambrosia hadnt given them anything new theyd just had their natural abilities increased tenfold. A hundredfold. And Caseymathematically talented Casey had been able to do calculations in seconds that would have required a pen and paper for most p eople. Even Dougs Tetriss kills showed signs of ambrosia enhancement.Icant wait to see how you react to them, Alec had said. Indeed, how would I react? What good abilities in me would get amplified? What abilities did I have? The obvious joke was that Id be able to really rock some guys world in bed. I didnt like that answer, however, partially because I believed I already could rock a guys world pretty hard-core without the help of creepy crystals, thank you very much. Plus, I hated to count thats all I was. There had to be more to me than just sexual prowess.Everyone who was on it crashed, I reminded Carter. Doug, Casey. And when they crashedthey really crashed.It does that, he agreed. unrivaled might argue that the climb-down functions out your worst traitsor possibly turns your good ones bad. More often than not, it just makes a person depressedand lacking. Its hard to go back to existence ordinary. That would explain Dougs bleak outlook the other day. I realized besides hed been having a withdrawal reaction on the day I kicked him out of the store. The lack of ambrosia had turned his normally sarcastic tongue and playful behavior into something dark and twisted. And yetIt must be nice to feel like a god. I guess I can understand lacking that. Well, said Jerome, speaking up at last, as we all know, you cant get something for nothing.Carter nodded. At a basic level, its an addictive substance, and everything addictive has a cost mainly that it enslaves you and makes you feel horrible when you dont have it. But, the other truth is that humans are not meant to be perfect. Thats what humanity is a series of successes and failures, a testing of ones own nature and aptitude. incomplete the body nor the soul can sustain such a state. in the end it consumes a person.I pointed at the crystals. What would have happened if Id taken them?Isnt it obvious? asked Jerome, his tone suggesting the same sexual possibilities Id wondered about earlier.Carter gave me a straight answer. Similar superficial effects. enkindle your good qualities. Immortals wouldnt fall prey to the addictiveness so quickly they can sustain it for quite a while since in some ways, they already feel like gods. But in the long run, the consequences are still the same. You cant function at such high levels. Now, the ambrosia couldnt deflower your body, of course, but itd still cause other serious problems if you took it for a long time.Itd probably just make you go insane, explained Jerome helpfully. Until the end of time.Thats horrible, I said.Dont worry, Georgie. If it happens to you, well put you down first.Ignoring him, I looked over at the crystals, suddenly feeling more repulsed by them than I had before. This time, my reaction had nothing to do with the creepy aura.The real question, of course, said the archdemon more seriously, is where the hell did you get these?I told you. From Alec.The both higher immortals exchanged glances once more.Tell us about this guy again, ordered Jerome. Everything you know.I did. When I finished, they looked at each other once more, having a moral conversation I was not privy to. God, they were annoying.Alecs not the one, said Carter finally.The one who?The one who this is coming from, explained Jerome.Well, I got it from himDoesnt matter, Georgie. Some twenty-year-old blue-haired punk is not the reference point here. Hes getting it from someone else. Hes a peon in the chain. Besides, you never felt anything off him, did you? Something like the crystals but not quite like them?No, but But I had felt something from another person. Someone who spent time with Alec. The last card in my head flipped over. I know who it is. Its him. That guy.Of course, said Carter dryly. I knew it was that guy. Its always that guy.Hold on, and Ill explain. I turned to Jerome. Remember that funny immortal I told you about? The really romantically dressed good-looking one? Hes got to be the one. Alecs supplier. Ive seen them t alking together and even saw Alec sort of having a breakdown with him. I added a little more background for Carters benefit, explaining how GQ Poet Guy and I had sensed each other.Jerome and Carter considered this in silence. At last, the demon said, Yes, that sounds like him.Nobody said anything for a while after that. I was dying to ask who he was exactly, but accepted that angel and demon would take their own time on this.So what are we going to do? Carter asked a few minutes later.Jerome cut him a narrow-eyed glance. Why do we have to do anything?Because its the right thing to do.I dont know where youve been since the beginning of the universe, but the right thing isnt really on my list of priorities.Hes toxic condition mortals.Jerome crossed his arms over his chest. I dont care.Hes doing it in your territory. Right under your nose.Stop trying to bait me. Hes not involved with us. He can do whatever the fuck he wants to mortals.Once again, I was dying to jump in but restraine d myself. Listening to Carter and Jerome argue always unsettled me. Mostly, it just didnt happen that much. Usually they stood together in an exasperating wall of solidarity, good and evil notwithstanding. And, of course, watching them argue always made you wonder if something terrible might happen if tempers got out of control. Tables tipping over. Glasses exploding. The Four Horsemen showing up.Nonetheless, I felt confident Carter wouldnt let this matter go unatt stop. He would win. As I had famed earlier, I didnt know if I could trust him, but I did respect him and his powers of persuasion.Its a power play, warned Carter. He shouldnt even be trying it. His time is bypast were the ones who control the game now. Doing this insults us especially you, since you guys are the ones who actually draw territorial lines. Its an unannounced challenge.This, I saw, had an effect on the demon. He recognized Carters attempts to draw him in, but it was working nonetheless. Pride wasnt one of the Seven Deadly Sins for nothing. Jerome, as a faithful servant of hell, couldnt help but be susceptible. Id seen his pride come into play before he didnt like others messing with his reputation. And while the demon naturally had many weaknesses, Id say it was this more than anything else that would make him take action.We cant intervene, he said flatly. You know that. Even if we are in control, wed start an outright war. I for one dont want to deal with the repercussions of that.Agreed, murmured the angel, lapsing into silence again.I looked back and forth in the midst of their faces, waiting for one of them to convolution a brilliant plan. A brilliant plan which involved the angel and demon fighting in awesome, smiting glory to destroy Alec and his bastardly supplier friend.Georgina could do it, said Carter suddenly.What? I squeaked. That wasnt how the fantasy went. They turned their eyes on me.Dark outrage flashed in Jeromes eyes, then it faded as quickly as it had arrived. H mm. Perhaps.What are you guys talking about? Im not doing any smiting.It wouldnt exactly be smiting, said Carter, face promptly sobering. But it could be dangerous if not done the right way. Why do I have to do it?Because you, Georgie, are a lesser power than we are. You are less put down to scrutiny and ramifications than us. Its the difference between a country declaring war and a small rebel faction striking out.Great, I said, sinking back in my chair. Im a faction.Carter was smiling again. Dont you want to help Doug?A moment passed. You know I do.I meant it when I said itd be dangerous, but if were careful, youll come out okay.I thought about Dougs black despair and reckless behavior. The thought of this ambrosia destroying him clinched it for me. Yeah, okay. Ill do it. Whatever it is. Dangerous or not. I paused. Um, what is it?Neither answered.Oh come on You cant expect me to do this and not know what it is.Itll take some prep work, Carter told me, apparently enjoying my cons ternation. But there was another expression on his face toopride, I thought. The good kind of pride, like when you thought someone was doing the right thing. Not the bad kind of pride that made you do rash things. As soon as its in place, well let you know. Ill come find you.I made a face. Youll understand if I dont really find that a satisfying answer. And youll understand, retorted Jerome, that its the best one youre going to get.Carter was a bit nicer. What you can do in the meantime, however, is try to get access to the supplier. Hes the one youll at last have to deal with. Keep schmoozing with Alec. Do what youve got to do.I nodded. Schmoozing I could do in my sleep. I felt relieved to be back in well-known(prenominal) waters.After leaving them, I put the ambrosia assignment on hold and went over to bents to play Scrabble, in keeping with a prearranged date. Id vowed I wouldnt machination this time, but I supposed that would depend on how desperate the game became. When I a rrived, however, I found Seth in no condition to play.He sat at the desk in his bedroom, brow adorably furrowed as he stared at his computer screen, apparently willing it do something for him through mental determination alone. His condo had an office, I knew, but unpacked boxes currently filled it, qualification this room the combination office-bedroom. All his essentials in one place. If it had had an attached bathroom, he would have probably never emerged.Can you give melikeanother hour? he asked absently when he realized I had walked in, not looking at me. Ive just got to finish this chapter.It was a moot request. Even if I hadnt been willing to give him another hour, he still would have unploughed writing. Mountains moved more easily than Seth in the middle of a story line. Happily accommodating, I kissed his cheek and wandered off to the office to find something to read. Sifting through those boxes made it difficult, however. By the time I had several of them emptied, I deci ded I might as well just go the whole way and do the line of products right.I unpacked all of the boxes even the ones in his living room. I didnt know how many books that left me with, but it was a lot. My bookstore instincts made me sort them into categories, and that alone was time-consuming. Looking up at one point, I realized almost three hours had passed. I stood up, stretched, and returned to the bedroom.Hey, I said. Were way past your hour.He kept typing.I slipped my foot out of its sandal, shape-shifted the toenail color to burgundy and ran it up his leg. He jumped.HeyHey yourself. Sorry to interrupt, but you need food, or youre going to pass out on your keyboard.Wouldnt be the first time, he said. His eyes strayed, threatening to return to the computer, so I poked him again with my foot. He arched an eyebrow, then grabbed my foot, nearly making me fall over as he pulled me onto his lap. You know, your toes arent that compelling. Its not like I want to have sex with them o r anything weird like that. I just think theyre pretty. So dont think you can have your way on everything now. I wiggled out of his grasp. Say whatever you want. Ive got new leverage with you. So, look, can you tear yourself away long enough to go get food?It turned out he couldnt, toes or not. Disappointed, I ended up ordering pizza. We ate together and talked, but both of us were in our own worlds. He was with his characters in places I couldnt follow, and I was thinking about the ambrosia. Suddenly, I started laughing.What? he asked, startled.I told him about the ambrosia and what it did. The news obviously astonished him, but Seth had had some time now to accept the many unseen, supernatural things occurring in the world. I ended my story by saying Carter and Jerome were going to do something about it. I did not mention I would be taking on a walloping and possibly dangerous role too. There I was, holding back again, but it seemed pointless to get him worried when I had no conc rete elaborate yet.So, anyway, I was laughing because I was trying to imagine what youd be like on ambrosia, I told him.Why is that funny? Maybe I could churn out a book a week.Yeah, but Id never see you again. Youd never bathe or cut your hair. Itd grow down to your waist so would your beard and youd be sitting here in the dark, hunched over, wasting away in your Punky Brewster T-shirt. Thats not funny. Thats how I plan to spend my retirement. Besides, if I were going to wear the same shirt for the next fifty years, itd be my Flash Gordon one. His features shifted to a frown as he chewed. The entire concept of Dougs problem cosmos magically induced He shook his head. Its crazy. And scary. Will they really be able to help him?They will if they can. Carter especially.You always put a lot of faith in him. Seems ironic, given the circumstances.I supposed it was, and again, it was kind of new for me. I guess I was just starting to realize that although I might be on Jeromes side, it was Carter who was on my side lately. I smiled for Seth.Well. If you cant put faith in an angel, who can you put faith in?The muse called to him after dinner, and I let him go, ineffectual to stand against her. I wondered if it would be possible for Seth to date someone who didnt love his books. Few women would be able to call the competition. And yeah, sometimes it was hard for me to handle the competition too. It was hard enough that Seth wasnt into the livelier things I liked to do, like dancing. But also being denied the low-key things poked at me on occasion.Knowing his send away was for the greater good, I returned to my book sorting, which allowed half of my brain to churn over the Alec problem and how I was going to get to GQ Poet Guy. Getting a hold of Doug in the evening was never easy, but Id see him at work tomorrow. Hed offered Alecs number to me once hopefully hed be as obliging this time.I finished my cataloging and shelving job around two in the morning. All the b ooks had homes on either the office or living room shelves, and all the books were indexed by genre and author in a way Emerald City might have lauded. The office now had room for the desk.In the bedroom, Seth still typed in the dark, lit by the flame of his monitor. I kissed his cheek once more and fell asleep in his bed, exhausted.I awoke hours later to someone kissing my cheek. Hey, I murmured drowsily, trying to pull Seth into bed with me. Youre giving me funny ideas.He leaned over me and planted a kiss on my nose. Morning sunlight lit up the coppery highlights in his messy hair and perpetual five oclock shadow. He regarded me fondly, those luscious lips smiling.You put my books away. All of them.I had to. Good grief. If anyone at Emerald City found out I was letting that slide, theyd fire me.He curled up beside me and put an arm over me. Youre pretty good to me, Thetis, considering what an idiot I am sometimes.Stop making fun of my favorite author, or Ill have to deck you.I me an it. Ive lost girlfriends for less than what I did last dark.You werent that bad. Ive seen you worse. I sat up a little. Hey, how many girlfriends have you had anyway?Laugh lines appeared around his eyes, making him even cuter. It was all research for the books, I swear.It was ironic, I realized, that I kept ending up with artistic types. A very long time ago, Id been married to a man I swore loved his music more than me sometimes. I had loved him for that melodic passion and hated it at the same time. Similar scenarios with other mortals had repeated over the centuries. Remembering my thoughts from last night, I worried that Seth might bring out the old green-eyed monster again.Howd the chapter turn out? I asked, mussing his hair further.Good. Great even. He gave me a sweet, bemused look. I dont supposeI dont suppose youd ever want to read the manuscripts as I work on them, would you? See how the process works?I froze, realizing just what a precious gift he was offering me. Set h had told me once he never let anyone read the early drafts. He didnt want feedback that might influence his own creative flow. It wasnt until he had a complete manuscript and he felt the books were nigh-perfect that he finally allowed his publishing posse to take a look. That he would offer this to me both thrilled and touched me.No, I said softly, smiling. But thank you. I dont want to interrupt your normal cycle. But maybemaybe when youve got a fairly polished draft ready to send off, Ill take a look then.He nodded, returning my smile. Something passed between us then that had nothing to do with manuscripts or book sorting but was fired by both of them nonetheless.Here, he said, standing up. Turning to a nearby chair, he picked up a tray I hadnt even noticed. Since you fed me last night.I looked down as he set the tray across my lap. Pancakes with smiley faces drowning in maple syrup. Good strong coffee. Even a little vase with two stems of purple irises. Seth had a thing for purple flowers. I touched one of the velvety soft petals.You didnt get these from your kitchen. You must have gotten up pretty early to go out.He shook his head, looking sheepish. I never went to bed.I therefore wasnt surprised when Seth lay down beside me while I ate and promptly fell asleep. I finished the exquisite breakfast, did the dishes, and left for work, leaving him a note that promised Id call later.At the bookstore, I was getting so used to Paige and Warrens absence, it was like they didnt even work there anymore. I found Doug when he arrived, and as hoped, he did indeed give me Alecs number though not without a few jokes at my expense.I called Alec on my lunch, unsure if hed be home. He was there and sounded overjoyed to hear from me. Yes, yes, of course he could get more. He was so glad Id liked it. Giving me the address of a coffee shop hed be at, he told me to stop by right after work.I showed up there five minutes after my shift ended. The coffee shop was perfectly ordinary, nothing dark or sinister. just now the stereotypical rendezvous for a drug transaction. I spotted Alec sitting at a table in the back, but someone was with him. Not wanting to interrupt, I stood in line to order a mocha.Alecs companion was a young man, younger than him even. Eighteen, if I had to guess. And he was beautiful. He had swept his thick, dark-blond hair into a short ponytail at the nape of his neck, and his face was all clean, strong lines. When he smiled at some comment of Alecs, perfect white teeth showed against the tanned skin. I expected to see this guy in an Abercrombie & Fitch ad soon.Or maybe not, since he too was apparently wasting his life away. Alec reached into his pocket and gave the guy one of the telltale bobby pins. Happiness and relief shone on the golden boys face, making him look if possible even more attractive. He left. Angrily gripping my drink, I took his chair and forced a cheerful attitude.Hey, said Alec in greeting, clearly in a go od mood. You have no idea how glad I am to see you. You look hot, as always. Thanks. Hows it going?Awesome, now. He grinned broadly. Fabulous day. He leaned toward me. So? What did you think?I set my cup down heavily and acquired some little-girl wonder. You were rightit was amazing. It was like I was I decided a lack of words was better than trying to describe something I hadnt experienced. He was only too happy to help fill in the blanks.Better than ever? Who you were meant to be?Yes, I said breathlessly. You youve got to give me more.Can do. His hand reached into the magic pocket. One of the lethal bags appeared, and that ugly feeling snaked down my spine. He held the crystals teasingly out of my reach. You know, they get better the more you do it. You up for that?I stared at the bag longingly, then up at him. Dont you have more than this? I mean, I want that onebut its not going to be enough. I need a lot of this.Slow down. You dont want to take more than one bag.I know that, but this is good for what, a day or two?His eyes glinted. Big plans already, huh? Most people dont get quite so fired up this fast.I chewed on my lower lip, not wanting to show any alarms. Assessing my self-inventory, I tried to think of something nonsexual the ambrosia would have affected. Alecs earlier visitor gave me the answer.Its weird. I know this guy at a mildew agency, and he always gives me the runaround. But I saw him yesterday when I took thisand it was like, I dont know. He couldnt get enough of me. He wants me to come back for some major shoots. I gripped Alecs arm. I dont get how this could be doing itmaybe its coincidence. I dont know. But I want more. I think I need it to make this gig work out. Youve got to help me. Or take me to wherever you get this. Ill pay. Ill do anything.His face told me I had said exactly the right thing.Its not coincidence, he told me smugly. And Ill get you more.I exhaled with palpable relief. Promise? Like a big supply?I promise. Here, t ake this one.What do I owe you?Nothing.Come on They cant all be free. My hold on his hand changed to something softer and more suggestive. I told you beforeIm happy to payhowever you wantHe sighed, regarding me wistfully as he briefly ran his fingers over my hand and then pulled away. I know. You want a big batch of it? That youll have to pay for. Ill take you to the guy who gets it for me, and you can pay him.Whatll it cost? How much am I going to need?Something unreadable flashed in his eyes. Youve already got exactly what you need. Can you meet me tomorrow night?I hesitated. Carter had said we needed some prep time before I faced the supplier, time in which I had been told to arrange the meeting with him. This was too soon.Im busy, I told him, trying to put heavy regret into my words. What about the next night?He didnt seem happy about that, just as he hadnt liked the delay in me drinking my first batch. But where his urgency had been underscored with an eager curiosity last time , he now displayed an almost panicked anxiety. I wondered just how demanding his master was. Sooner would be better. You arent going to be able to go that long anyway, not if you want it this bad already. I stayed firm. I dont have a choice.He agreed after a little more wheedling, and we set a time and place to meet in two days. As I stood up, he warned me, Call me sooner if you cant hold out, okay? Heres my cell.Okay, thanks.Hey, he called as I started to walk away. Good luck with the shoot.For a minute, I didnt call up what he was talking about. Then I recalled my alleged modeling gig. I smiled and thanked him, chuckling to myself as I left. In all of the lies Id just told him, there had been a nitty-gritty of truth.I did have a photo shoot. Tonight was the night Bastien and I were going to take the pictures for Seth.
Thursday, May 23, 2019
Beautillion & church and school
When I look back unto my smell, I find that it has short as it may be so far been a good one. separate between church and school, and backed up by my home, I understand quite well that I am luckier than most youths my age. I dont do drugs beyond the legally allowed ones, such as coffee I dont drink. I dont endure an unstable daub is my household, nor am I close to a dropout, as some(prenominal) youths be.Ive found God and was able to implement Him into my life as an advisor and someone to talk to on an everyday basis. I dont meet with discrimination much, non more than whatever of my peers.And yet I find there is something left unfulfilled in my life. So I look back upon myself and the places I inhabit, and recollect, to work forward with the improved knowledge of myself. My home has always been good to me. I have always had a great relationship with my parents, who were an inspiration for the many things I do. Without their support, I would never have been able to gathe r the determination to area the saxophone long enough to be an active member in a marching band. They are also the ones who taught me compassion and to look at the elderly in a different, kind light.This has led to one of the most enjoyable realises of my life using my ability to create music to serve the elderly in their retirement homes. This is a daily school of tolerance and kindness for me, and I john with all honesty say that I have acquire much from them and with their help. My parents have also always been there for me, through thick and thin, and for that I am eternally grateful. School is a very important part of my life. It gives me the information I need to live well. I am a good student, my grades are above average, but the more I learn, the more I see that education I am getting is really rather basic.Since I study more than I am supposed to by normal school standards, I can see that there is much more to be learned than high school gives us. There are obvious gap s in our education, and I think they create part of the problems this country is having. I try to alleviate the regrettable side effects of early specialization through my own efforts, but this is rather difficult. I can only hope that when I get into college the situation leave be somewhat amended by the possibility of free research and the aid of experienced scholars.Still, school is a great learning experience for me, because, even despite the lack of serious understanding of the natural and social sciences, it is a great place to adapt to adult life and learn how to in stages take responsibility. I try to make the most of school, but am anxious to gain the greater opportunities of college. My church life is a good one, as well. I am a Baptist, and love my congregation for the principle of sola scriptura. Every single Baptist must think for himself and commune with God directly.I know I have a living, personal God looking after me, and I confide in him. When I look at members of other confessions I feel sadness, because I know that very many of them are mistaken and are led down the darker paths of life, and quite possibly into the bowels of Satan. I try to help them best I can, through intelligently questioning them on their morality and faith in God. I try not to act too strongly in my passion to help, as many people consider such actions an infringement of their personal space, even though I am simply demonstrating how Baptism helps in living a good life.However, I am happy in the lap of my Church, and I try to lead others to it by example. After all, if we do not help these people, who will tell them that they are in the grave danger of sin? I take pride in getting the chance to help those who strayed from Jesuss flock. My life may seem perfect from this essay. I am very well-rounded education-wise I have a good home, and a direct hotline with God. provided there is something always left unfulfilled. I do not mean the failures of life those I have long learned to accept and to listen to as mere messages.Perfection is lonely, and, though I have most anything I really want, I do not know what to desire further. I have reached a stage in personal development when just helping myself is not enough. A new need opens up in me, slowly and steadily. It is the need to help others. What use is there for good in my own life if my best friend is troubled? How worthy am I if my mother cries at night, for any reason? These questions haunt me constantly, and drive to begin a new stage life as a servant to the people.
Wednesday, May 22, 2019
Geology Exam Questions
As seen by an observer on domain, a flair that is moving away from the populace would puzzle ______ light cleverness waves. A. expanded B. compressed *E. both(prenominal) A and D atomic be 18 correct 2. The theory that tries to beg withdraw the ocellus of the worldly concern r bourgeons about the idea that __________. *B. the original pitch blackness hole exploded and scattered clouds of uncharged particles moving at high velocities 3. What was the first factor drawed during the cr eat upion of the universe? *B. henry 4. Our solar system was created by *A. the contraction of clouds of elements origin bothy physical bodyed by the explosion of supernovas 5. much or less how old is our universe? A. 13. 7 zillion days old 6. Heat is being continuously released wi stretch the Earth through the process of *C. elements releasing subatomic particles and losing mass 7. Which of the sp atomic number 18- conviction activity minerals does non belong with the other(a)s? A . iron pyrite B. bornite C. sphalerite D. cinnabar *E. they all belong together 8. An earthly concernquake is not codswallop off the coast of Vancouver Island.Which statement is close to correct *B. S-waves ar detected after P-waves 9. In an argona of the c dilapidate with an average geothermal gradient (from course manual), what would the temperature be 22km below the surface, if the surface temperature is 25C? *D. 85C 10. The Hawaiian Island ambit was formed by which cardinal of the pursuit processes? *C. movement of the Pacific plate over a stationary mantle plume cause the formation of a string of vol commodeoes 11. The Himalayas fractureed directly from the process of ________ *E. plate collision 12. Intermediate sizingd tectonic plates include which of the future(a)? A. Nazca B. Eurasian C. Scotia D. genus Cocos D. all of the above *E. unaccompanied A, C, and D 13. The floor of the Atlantic is widening why then is there a ridgepole in the middle? *B. volcanism 14 . How untold pepperiness goose egg is required to raise the temperature of 50g of piss by 10C? B. 500 calories 15. Match the next item with the closest related phrase. Continental Rift A. East Pacific Rise B. subduction zone C. Canadian Shield *D. Mount Kilimanjaro E. Mount St. Helens 18. Earths archness is being destroyed at _______ and created at ________. *C. subduction zones, divergent boundaries 19. A felsic joust is formed at comparatively ________ temperatures and is the first to ________ when temperature increases during burial.*A. low, melt 21. Native metals tend to save which of the following properties? A. high malleability B. only one fount of bonding C. good electrical conductivity D. all of the above 22. A mineral composed of weak bonds, tends to bring the following characteristics A. high solubility B. soft C. has mostly ionic bonds D. has mostly covalent bonds E. only A and C argon correct *F. A, B and C ar all correct 23. What is the most cat valium gro up of minerals found in Earths insolence? *B. silicate minerals 24. Which minerals have similar structure but diametric piece of music? *D. albite and anorthite 26. A(n) _______ magma is relatively high in _________. A. andesitic Fe, Mg and Ca B. basaltic K and Na *C. rhyolitic K and Na D. granitic Fe and Mg 27.When magma cools, which atoms tend to bond first? *D. atomic number 14 and oxygen 28. Which of the following statements is authoritative? *D. the main reason for volatiles in magma to be released is a sudden decrease in confining compress. 29. This question refers to radioactive decay. What is the p atomic number 18nt/daughter ratio after two half- have it offs? *A. 13 30. Which of the following terms does not belong with the other? A. quartz *B. rhyolite C. olivine D. muscovite 31. An ardent rock that cools rapidly at the Earths surface has which of the following textures? C. aphanitic D. startery *E. both C and D ar possible 32.Igneous rocks are classified by their ______. A. colour B. texture C. slice *D. all of the above 33. When the Earth was relatively new-made, what gases were present in the strain? *A. H20, CH4, SO2, NH3 B. H20, CH4, NH4, O2 C. SO3, CH4, O2, CO2 D. N2, O2, Ar, CO2 34. Where did wet on Earth originate? A. volcanic out-gassing B. collison of comets with Earth C. collision of protoplanets with Earth *D. all of the above 35. Heat is currently confused from the Earths surface at an average rate of 2. 410-6 cal/cm2/s2. If the Earths surface is 510,072,000km2, how much heat is lost in 1 year (3. 15x107s)? Dont immobilise to convert units) A. 3. 86 x 1010 cal/year *B. 3. 86 x 1020 cal/year C. 3. 86 cal/year D. 6. 76 x 1016 cal/year 37. Which rock frequently contains glass fragments and vesicles, indicating rapid alter? *C. basalt 38. According to current theory, how did heavier elements form? *C. they formed due to the concretion of light source atoms ( such as hydrogen) on a lower floor high temperature and pressures 39. Which of the following features was formed part by erosion processes? *B. exfoliation dome 40. The addition of oxygen into Earths melodic line is thought to have been produced by which of the following mechanisms? B. photosynthesis 41. A dispirited coloured mineral, which splits into sheets and has one plane of cleavage is *D. biotite 42. What type picture of eruptions would you expect in volcanoes of the Andes mountain range? *B. occasional, violently explosive eruptions 43. Heat from the Earths amount of money is transferred to the surface through solid rock via ______ and _______ when it is transported as magma/lava in volcanoes. Once it reaches the surface the heat is then lost to the atmosphere by ______. C. conduction, convection, radiation 44. Which geologic feature supports the theory of plate tectonics? A. the mid-Atlantic ridgeB. subduction zones C. fogey records *D. all of the above 45. On the ocean floor, low-intensity stripes of magnetism that exhibit regularl y reversing signal *D. weaken the existing charismatic field 46. Which of the following things best supports the theory that continents split apart? A. Continental drift B. downwarping *C. continental rifting 47. Diamond shows an ex adenosine monophosphateerele of what type of bond formed between Carbon atoms? *A. covalent bonds 2. When a rock breaks into many small pieces it ____________ A. increases the surface area available for chemical attack C. is cal guide mechanized weathering D. both A & adenosine monophosphate C are correct 3. Halite dissolves in water so readily because __________ *B. polar water molecules disrupt the winning forces in the halite crystal and release the ions into solution 4. Index fossils are *C. fossils of creatures that appeared and went extinct relatively quickly 5. You notice that there is a lot of rust on your car. Which of the following weathering processes was responsible for the destruction of your car? *C. oxidation 6. why do lifesize coral reefs not exist in the Arctic nautical? NOTE coral reefs are mainly composed of CaCO3 (calcium carbonate). *D. alcite is soluble in cold water and the coral skeletons dissolve before they can accumulate into large deposits 8. Which of the following processes is most responsible for the low nutrient content of tropical undercoats? *C. leaching 9. Which rock will potentially undergo the greatest rate of chemical alteration? *A. whole rock 10. The location of the snowline is most affected by _______ and ________. *C. latitude, altitude 11. Gypsum is not found deep in the earths crust because B. the temperature is too high C. water molecules are lost and anhydrite is formed *D. both statement B and C are correct 14.Which of the following earths would you most in all probability find in agricultural fields around Guelph? A. Podzolic 15. The internal movement of glacier ice depends on A*B. the internal ice transfer between collection and deletion zones 16. Changes in global temperatu re can be attributed to A. variations in incoming solar radiation B. shifts in Earths axis of rotation C. composition of the Earths atmosphere *D. all of the above are correct 17. Which of the following milieus is most suitable for the formation of coal? *B. wetland 18. The highly productive soils in vast areas of China FIRST originated from _______ *A. indblown silt 19. What is the main way that silicate minerals are weathered? *B. hydrolysis 20. When a glacier glides along the ground surface the process is called *D. basal slipperiness 22. The movement of glacier ice is normally most rapid rise the _________ *B. surface of the glacier 23. Which of the following landscape features of Canada is NOT attributed to the marrow of Pleistocene glaciers? *A. the Canadian Shield 25. Cross-bedded moxie deposits in a point bar of a meandering stream were created by which of the following die hard regimes? *B. subcritical flow 26.A sedimentary deposit created by a gradual decrease in flo w focal ratio (as in a waning flood), would have which of the following vertical stratigraphic profiles? *A. fining upwards 27. From Hjulstoms diagram in Unit 8 of the course notes, the water velocity required to erode gravel is_______________ the velocity to move clay particles. *D. about equal to 28. Which rock would be least likely to contain fossils? *D. basalt 29. Which sediment grain size has the highest permeability (ability of the poppycock to transmit fluids)? *B. gravel 31. The formation of crevasses in glaciers is because __________________. A. ce near the undersurface of a glacier moves slower than surface ice, causing stress C. ice in the upper part of a glacier is brittle and does not exhibit plastic flow *D. A and C are both correct 32. Which of the following minerals has one perfect cleavage? *D. biotite 33. Jurassic Park The Lost World was actually hit the books in *C. The Quaternary 34. Ventifacts form as a result of *C. aeolian transport in desert environmen ts 35. What volcanic feature is (are) the most dangerous to live near *B. rhyolitic strato volcano 38. Which one of these items does not belong with the others? A. continental rise *B. alluvial fan C. turbidite fanD. continental shelf E. abyssal plain 39. Which of the following statements is (are) the most correct to describe the conditions required for truly laminar flow in a river? *E. true laminar flow does not elapse in internal rivers 40. Mineralogical maturity increases when ___________ *D. the quartz content of the rock is increasing 41. The photo shows a fossilized fish. What is the most likely form of preservation? (Image from *B. carbonization 42. In general, as a river becomes narrower, and the depth remains the same, the current *A. increases in velocity 43. Which of the following is the best example of a hunt down fossil? A. termite tunnel 44. Which of the following pairs is the best example of convergent evolution? *D. killer whale and shark 45. A volcanic rock con sisting of abundant angular rock fragments has a _____________ texture. This is exemplary of __________ volcanism. *C. fragmental, explosive 46. During a field trip, you dig a small pit in a pine forest to guide the soil profile of the study site. Below the dark surface layer, a thin, light coloured vista is followed by a reddish coloured horizon. Considering your knowledge of the Canadian system of soil classification, what soil type is it? *D. Podzolic 47.A pluton is an intrusive igneous rock body that crystallized from magma slowly cooling below the surface. Which of the following are examples of plutonic bodies? A. batholiths B. dikes C. sills D. laccoliths *E. all of the above 48. What is the main feature used to variantiate between modern corals and ancient corals? *C. the structure of their skeleton 49. The __________ silicates make up the majority of the Earths continental crust. *A. three-dimensional framework 50. The Sun produces energy by nuclear ________ answers. *C . fusion 1. What environmental conditions are optimal for chemical weathering? D. warm, wet conditions 3. Which dating method is most often used to date geologically new-fashioned events? *A. carbon-14 4. Which of the following is not an classic principle of stratigraphy? *D. crystal fractionation 5. A theory that tries to explain the origin of the universe assumes that all matter was once concentrated in an extremely small space called a black hole. Some properties of a black hole include which of the following? A. high densities B. large gravitational force C. neutral state *D. all of the above 6. The age of the Earth is approximately *A. 4. 6 billion years 7.When the Earths crust began to form, which of the following gases were added to the original atmosphere? A. water vapour B. methane *D. only A and B 8. The oldest known fossils found in archean rocks were *B. cyanobacteria 9. Which of the following are sources of heat for the Earth? A. primeval heat left from the formatio n of the planet B. collision of subatomic particles produced during radioactive decay C. solar heat *D. all of the above 10. The potpourri in temperature with depth is called the geothermal gradient. Under normal circumstances the geothermal gradient is approximately *B. 30/km 11.As seen by an observer on Earth, a star that is moving away from our planet would appear more _______ than the same type which is moving toward the Earth. *B. reddish 12. Which type of rock would be formed deep within the crust? B. igneous C. plutonic *D. both B and C 13. Where would you expect to find new igneous rocks being formed? A. Andes Mountains B. Mid-Atlantic rooftree *D. A and B are both correct 14. With reference to Bowens reaction series, which mineral is formed under very hot conditions and is rich in magnesium? *A. olivine Inert gases do not react with the surrounding environment. Why is this? *A. they have full outer orbitals 6. A good example of a mineral that contains Van der Waals bonds is *C. graphite 17. The Andes mountains developed directly from the process of ________ *A. plate subduction 18. with reference to Bowens reaction series, the ___________ form a continuous reaction series. *C. oligoclase-feldspar group 21. An igneous rock that cools very rapidly at the Earths surface has which of the following textures? *C. glassy 22. Which type of soil would you expect to find in a wetland? *C. gleysolic 23. The type of weathering process that effects plutonic rocks and is sometimes called unloading is called ____________ *B. exfoliation 4. Submarine eruptions at mid-ocean ridges produce fresh lava flows of _________ composition. *D. basaltic 25. Youngest rock A. *B. 26. Oldest rock *A. B. C. D. E 27. Continental collision zone A. B. C. *D. E 28. Abyssal plain A. B. *C. D. E 29. The boundary between the accumulation and ablation zone in a glacier is called *A. firn line 30. Continental drift, volcanism and mountain building are primarily driven by *A. mantle conv ection 31. P-waves *A. vibrate parallel to the snap of travel, travel fast, travel through liquids. 32. Which of the following is most likely to be hold as a carbonized impression? D. a leaf 33. Which of the following statements is true? *A. few organisms become preserved as fossils after death 34. The lengthening or stretching of the crust can result in _______ faulting as shown in the diagram. *B. normal 35. The San Andreas Fault is what type of fault? *D. strike-slip 36. shits are divided into horizons which are labelled in order from the top down as *C. A, B and C 37. A rock under stress can behave in which of the following ways? *D. all of the above 38. What is (are) the major factor(s) involved in metamorphism? A. pressure B. temperature *E. A and B only 9. When liquid magma rises through solid rock, the solid rock can undergo ____________ metamorphism? *A. contact 40. Regional metamorphism can produce new platy or elongated minerals that are aligned *C. perpendicular to th e principal stress applied 41. The Big Bang is thought to have occurred *A. 13. 7 billion years ago 42. In the cores of stars _________ reactions occur to produce new heavier elements *A. atomic fusion 43. Chemical weathering mainly results when minerals react with *E. water, oxygen and carbon dioxide 44. The explosion of a star is known as a *B. supernova 45.Which of the following is considered a fossil fuel? *B. coal 46. The relative Geologic Time Scale is based on *B. fossil assemblages 47. The Rock Cycle is *B. a model for the changes undergone by Earth materials over time 48. Grooves, crescent-molded gouges, chatter marks and striations are examples of *A. small carapace glacial erosion features 49. The maximum extent of a continental glacier is typically marked by a(n) __________. *B. terminal moraine 50. Which of the following is a sediment produced directly from glacier ice? *C. till 51. Place the following sedimentary structures in order of increasing stream velocity. C. r ipples, dunes, plane beds 52. weave streams result when rivers have A. large fluctuations in rivulet B. abundant sediments *E. A and B are both correct 53. When atoms with 4-6 electrons in their outer orbitals join, they form a covalent bond which can be set forward as A. sharing of electrons B. difficult to form C. very strong after formation *D. all of the above are true 54. __________ forms from the metamorphism of limestone or dolostone. *C. marble 55. __________ is characterized by the segregation of light- and dark-coloured minerals into thin layers or bands. *B. gneiss 56.In which setting would regional metamorphism be most likely? *C. at great depths in the crust where two continents are colliding 57. The ion at the centre of a silicon tetrahedron is surrounded by ____________. *A. 4 oxygen ions 58. The simplest element and the one which was formed first after the big bang is *E. hydrogen 59. In feldspars, what element substitutes for silicon at the centre of the tetrahe dron? *B. aluminum 60. What are vesicles? *D. open spaces formed in the rock as lava solidifies around gas bubbles 61. Which of the following is an example of a trace fossil? *D. a worm burrow 62.Which of the following is the dominant volcanic rock in Hawaii and Iceland? *D. basalt 63. When the ratio of radioactive parent to stable daughter product reaches 13, ________ half-lives have passed. *D. two 64. The formation of the Hawaiian Islands is associated with *D. no plate boundary of any kind 65. Why is the humus (organic) layer typically thicker in a cool, temperate, forest soil than in a tropical rainforest soil? *B. less humus is produced in the cool, temperate forest but the rate of decay is slower than in a tropical rainforest 66. The world oceans are too large to have the sea level changed by glaciers *B. alse 67. Which of the following is a colonial organism that is, many individuals share the same skeleton? *D. coral 68. Which of the following affects the settling velocity of common sense grains? *D. all of the above 69. Sediments transported by water or wind can be sorted according their size and density. A byproduct of such sorting is a typical feature ALL SEDIMENTARY ROCKS have. What is such *D. layers 70. When the limbs of a fold are bowed upward in the form of a V, the structure is called a(n) *D. syncline 71. If the steep side of a roche moutonnee is on the northeast, it alludes that the glacier came from what direction? B. southwest 72. Which one of the following is an important, mechanical weathering process for enlarging fractures and extending them deeper into large boulders and bedrock? *D. ice wedging 73. Of the following, which geologic time is the oldest? *B. Precambrian 74. The Red Sea is forming along a *B. divergent boundary 75. The destruction of the Minoan civilization can be tied at least indirectly to *A. a violent volcanic eruption 76. A __________ shaped cross- valley profile is typical of valleys eroded and deepened by alpi ne or valley glaciers. *A. U 77.A(n) __________ represents a former meltwater tunnel in glacial ice that was filled with fluvial sand and gravel. *A. esker 78. The theory of relativity states that *C. time is not a constantit varies depending on the speed of the observer 79. Many scientists believe that the Earth is heating up due to the greenhouse effect. Which of the following gasses is the largest contributor to this effect? *C. carbon dioxide 80. The term metamorphic facies refers to *A. a particular assemblage of minerals that form under specific conditions of temperature and pressure 81. The definition of a calorie is *A. he change in heat required to raise the temperature of 1g of water by 1 degree C at sea level 82. The Atlantic marine is *B. two hundred million years old and growing. 83. Coarsening upward in grain size is typical of deposits from which type of depositional system? *B. deltas 84. Convergent evolution occurs when? *B. species with different origins begin t o evolve similar characteristics because they share the same environment 85. Which of the following is a requirement of index fossils? *A. they lived during a specific time period only 86. In a cross section of a stream channel, why is the flow velocity slowest near the bottom? B. because of friction between the water and the streambed 87. The telephone exchange part of an atom is called the *D. nucleus 88. The term dip refers to *D. the angle between a sloping bed of rock and the horizontal 89. Studies of the Atlantic ocean-floor rocks show that A. the magnetic field of the Earth reverses periodically C. new rock is being formed at the Mid-Atlantic ridge, causing the ocean to become wider *E. A and C are both correct 90. The term orogeny refers to *A. the formation of mountains 91. Channel migration of a stream at a meandering breaking ball occurs in which direction? B. toward the outside of the bend 92. In a river, gravel would most frequently be transported *A. as bed load 93. The great majority of carbonates (limestones) are formed by *A. skeletons of gutless organisms and algae 94. Shale is a sedimentary rock formed predominantly from D. clay 95. Which of the following was an early ancestor of modern charitables? * D. Australopithecus 96. When fossils are preserved as casts, the following happens A. the original shell is buried intact B. after cementation of the surrounding sediment the shell dissolved leaving a shell shaped cavityC. minerals carried in by percolating groundwater fill the cavity *E. A, B and C are all correct 97. Which of the following trace elements released from minerals by weathering are essential for human health? *B. zinc 98. When an atom loses or gains electrons, it is called a(n) *E. ion 99. Which of the following does not fit the definition of a mineral? *C. granite What colour of light has the longest wavelength Red What element wouldnt likely have been lost to outer space when the Earth was in a molten state during the forma tion of our solar system?Lead Approximately how old is earth 4500 million years or 4. 5 Billion Which gases composed the primordial atmosphere of earth Methane, carbon dioxide, sulphur, ammonia How long did it take for earths first crust to develop 500 million years Main reason that volcanoes developed on primordial earth-uneven internal heat distribution Organic soup which produced the first organic compounds ammonia and methane In what rocks can you find the oldest known fossils Archean Rocks of western Australia Coordination number of an octahedral 6When seismic energy waves reaches a boundary between two materials Part of the energy is reflected back towards the surface P-waves vibrate parallel to the direction of transmission Composition of Achondrite meteorites most nearly resemble composition of earths crust Why do geologists think that the inner core of earth is solid P-Waves speed up there Geothermal gradient in earths crust 40 c/km Granite differ from rhyolite Granite is plutonic, rhyolite is extrusive Discontinuity between the base of the crust and the top mantel Moho discontinuity What rate does mid-atlantic ridge spread 5 cm/yearWhere does lithosphere material get destroyed subduction zones Rocks that buried under high pressure formed Metamorphic rocks Minerals all form in the same temperature range Quartz, muscovite, K-Fedlspar Ionic bonds are weak, fond in relatively soluble minerals, formed between opostely charged ions pumice floats on water because contains pockets of gas, low overall density Minerals with same chemical composition but different structures are called polymorphs (graphite and diamonds) Hardest minerals Quartz Magma consists of Dissolved gas, solid minerals, liquidAndes Moutains have formed at convergent plate boundary What causes a volcano to erupt regressive boiling of magma, ionized water changing state from liquid to gas, failureof the volcanic strumpet Lava that erupts underwater forms deposits of pillow lava intrusive b odies of rock include plutons, Laccoliths, Dikes Correct order of periods within Paleozoic Cambrian, Ordo, Sil, Devoni, Carb, Perm Large blobs of lava that are flung from volcanic cone volcanic bombs Which location is earths crust thinnest In Atlantic OceanOxidation involves Loss of electrons Soil is best defined as accumulation of weathered material Most intensly leached soil horizon A Horizon Apatite and sylvite are examples of Minerals used in the production of fertilizers Paris moraine- poorly sorted mixture of different sediments Epoch during most recent glaciation occurred Pleistocene In accumulation zone of a glacier more snow and ice being deposited than lost from melting Glacier firn snow remaining from last normalize Polar galaciers move mainly by Ice deformationCause of catastrophic meteorite impact causing mass extinction 65. 5 million years ago thin iridum-rich bed found worldwide Graded bedding on deep-ocean floor Turbidity currents River pattern ordinaryly develope d in glacial outwash plain Braided Glaciers covered Australia in Neoproterozoic and Carboniferous-Permian Little ice age occurred 600 to 100 years ago Isostatic rebound rising of earths crust after deglaction Sedimentary environments two classifications carbonate or clastic Clastic sediment . 062 to . 004- Silt, loess plainTwo common carbonate sedimentary rocks Limestone and Dolostone Idealized stream fastest water flow Near the water surface, near center of the chanel Laminar flow Low flow velocity/ Rarely found in nature Settling of particle with a . 01 diameter- Stockes law What environment are mud slides most common Alluvial fans Forest beds are found in which environment Delta Front Barrier islands large lakes, shallow continental shelves Carbonate precipitation may form Ooids Lingula is a good example of A paleo indicator Conifers belong to which class Plantae, Pinophyta, Pinospida Noahs Flood DeluvialistWhy did an organic soup develop on the primordial Earth, and not much tod ay? (image from VITAL) There was no free oxygen to oxidize it amp There was no predators back than. The energy responsible for the original heating and melting of the Earth came primarily from Radioactive decay Organic compounds can be synthesized In a laboratory amp by lightning Were inert gasses such as Argon or Neon, scattered into the universe by supernovas? Yes Approximate age of earth accepted by scientists is 4. 6 billion years Original atmosphere of earth was primarily composed of Methane and carbon dioxide Not all stars are equally hot, why?Atomic fusion reaction Doppler effect makes far away stars appear to be Redder An enormous amount of energy is needed to start fusion reaction, What type of energy led to fusion reaction in stars Kinetic The elements of the present universe were scattered into space about 8-9 billion years ago If earths intial atmosphere contained free oxygen Organic molecules would be have been destroyed as soon as they formed Is the elemental compositi on of modern earth the same as that of earliest primordial earth No What is the bang bang Origin of the universeWhen radioactive elements decay to release subatomic particles it creates Daughter elements The early composition of the Earths atmosphere was Lacking Oxygen Evidence for an original big bang Yes, distant galaxies move away from us faster than hand-to-hand ones If the half-life of Carbon-14 is 5570 years, how much of the parent elemtn will remain after 16,710 years 1/8 Earth is one of the largest ones in our soar system misguidedModel for the origin of life requires An oxygen free atmosphere Black holes are characterized by Matter contracted into very small spaces, Extremely high density, all particles are neutral. The suns energy is produced by Fusion Helium is formed from Fusion of HydrogensWhy do larger solar planets have an ammonia-rich atmosphere while Earth has an oxygen-rich atmosphere The larger gravity of larger planets traps ammonia Volcanoes could not form bef ore the development of a solid crust on Earth reliable Why did an organic soup develop on the primordial Earth and not much today There was no free oxygen amp there was no predators back then The heavy elements that we know of were formed in the original stars Yes Why did elements separate in the original earth They were marooned in relation to their mass During the early stages of the Earth, hich elements may have been lost to outer space Light ones The permissible ring of life is a suppositional zone around a distant start that may contain planets stupid 1) S-waves vibrate perpendicular to the direction of the propagation unbent 2) Everyday essence that behaves a bit like the mantle when stressed Plasticin 3) Some meteorities have more or less the same composition as the Earths crust rightful(a) 4) Our bodies can be considered as analogs for Earth. Accordingly we can recognize Heat as energy, mineral accumulation, chemical reaction. ) The boundary between the crust and the mantle shows up well in seismic studies because difference in Density 6) The properties of rocks change from the surface towards the center of earth. Which one do you think changes more regularly than others Pressure 7) Refraction and reflection dissipate seismic energy inside the earth real 8) Iceland is close to Greenland but geologically the two have little in common straightforward 9) Which of the following are types of convection cells in or on earth Ocean currents amp Boiling bowel movements in a pot of soup. 0) The suns radian energy drives the movement of our atmosphere aline 11) Earth is the centre of the universe Who Knows 12) Earth should be cooling off as primeval heat is lost to outer space simulated 13) Lord Klevin calculated mathematically that Earth is cooling off.His mathematics were correct dependable 14) Although interior parts of earth are shown as pretty coloured bands, heat distribution is much uniform Incorrect 15) Earth is comprised of the same material s and in more or less the same proportion as the sun Yes 16) Radiant energy received from the sun is the most important type in explaining continental drift False 17) The fact that S-waves are lost within the Earth is good evidence for a liquid outer core authorized 18) Method used by geologists in injecting the mantle for seismic studies is Bottom 19) Earth is a planet in the process of becoming a star Recent studies have indicated that it is heating up at the rate of a few degrees per century False 20) To date we have not been able to drill to the core, however we can see it in volcanic material False 21) Lord Kelvin has proved that earth is dying planet. It is cooling off relatively rapidly False 22) Canada is one of the coutries where solar winds can be seen True 23) By examining the geothermal gradient in deep wells, we can predict temperature at center of earth False 24) Various compositions of meteorites reflect Mantle of earth, whole earth, earths cruts.Oceanic crust of ea rth has a minimum thickness of about 5 KM The North American plate is moving away from the European one at a measurable but small distance per century True Mountains are shaped by both convection cells in the diagram True The floor of the Atlantic is widening why is there a ridge in the middle Volcanoes Iron-rich minerals in basaltic lava can give information on the Earths magnectic field at the time Volcanic eruption True Fundamental differences between the floors of the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans Different ages, different amounts of sediments, Different manganese mineralization Material from the mantle reaches the surface of the Earth along the Mid-Atlantic Ridge True Radiant energy received from the sun is the most important type in explaining continental drift True The repetition of two colurs indicate different lava flows indicats alternating lava flows with different paleomagnestism When seen in cross-section, continents look like thin rafts on the surface of the mantle Becau se continents are composed of lighter materials big before their geologic importance was discovered, paired bands of equal magnestism were recognized south of Iceland The navy during WWII The continents started migrating apart approximately 180 million years ago True In what ways is Atlantic Ocean spreading analogous to Antartic ice pack behaviour New ice is forming in cracks joins blocks of aged(a) ice amp There are convention currents in the water below There are a lot of thick sediments around the Mid-Atlantic Ridge False The suns radiant energy drives the movements of our atmosphere True P-Waves generated at one locality can be detected around the globe if the source is sufficient False The positive magnetic pole is in Canada and always has been False Fossil Fuels are usually found in rocks typical of ocean crust False The magnetic north pole lies in northern Canada TrueThe magnetic stripes south of Iceland were correctly interpreted as indicating the spreading of the ocean fl oor True If new mantle material is added to the crust in marine trenches, it must be consumed along the mid-Atlantic Ridge False Which of the following minerals from Bowens reaction series forms the highest temperature? Ca-plagioclase What is the crystalline structure of quartz None of the above Some mineral crystals have an internal structure similar to glass False Which one is the name of a major element found in quartz Silicon What is the crystalline structure of feldspar None of the above Atoms with the maximum number of electrons in their outer orbital Inert (non-reactive) What is the crystalline structure of biotite SheetSilicon is the most abundant elemen of the earths crust False Halite and calcite are both Relatively soft and soluble The resistance of a mineral to scratching is called hardness In a cooling magma, at what approximate temperature can silicon tetrahedral get close enough to share all their oxygens to form a framework silicate mineral 800 degrees. An electrical ly charged atom is called An Ion Isotopes are good to eat False What is the crystalline structure of the pyroxene group of minerals single chain Musovite has perfect cleavage in one direction True Mass and weight are synonymous False What is the crystalline structure of amphibole Double Chain Calcite has a hardness of 3 on Mohs scale TrueWhich of the following is the most common mineral in the earths crust Feldspar First orbital (energy level) in an atom can have a maximum of Two electrons The most common building block of silicate minerals Has 4 Oxygen atoms and 1 Silicon Atom In a metallic bond All electrons are shared Which of the following elements usually substitutes for Silicon in the tetrahedral of silicate minerals Aluminum The second orbit (energy level) in an atom can have a maximum of Eight electrons Cleavage occurs when a mineral breaks in random directions False Which type of bonding in minerals is the weakest Van Der Waals Which has the densest mineral Gold If an atom loses an eletron it becomes Positively chargedThe location of volcanoes on earth is near plate margins Volcanic eruptions occur primarily because of the voltatile content (gaseous components) of the magma True Which of the following statements is true It is possible to derive granite from a basaltic magma. Ashfalls may be useful in establishing Type of volcanism and paleowind direction. Columnar joints occur primarily Basaltic lava flows Which of the following statements are not correct Volcanoes are rarely more than chiliad metres high Most rocks found on the flanks of volcanoes have very small crystals True In Hawaii the ropy lava is called Pahoehoe Pumice is solidified crystalline forth TrueSilica rich lavas are viscous and lead to explosive erutpions True Pyroxene is the first mineral to cryztallize out of a very hot basaltic magma False Pumice is very light and may even float because it contains pulverized wood of the volcano False Which statement is correct The Hawaiian Isla nds are large shelter volcanoes Which rock does not belong with the others Rhyolite Shield volcanoes are not normally explosive True Magma may rise to the surface of earth partly because it is lighter than the surrounding rocks True The crystal size ofigneous rocks is affected primarily by Rate of cooling Calderas may be formed by collapse of the crater at the summit of a volcano true Which one is not a volcanic rock GabbroOne parent magma can produce several different types of igneous rocks True Discontinous crystallization sequence from Bowens reaction series is indicated by Olivine-pyroxene A Rock does not need to contain any minerals True Which of the following is a pyroclastic rock Tuff Humans have never observed the birth of a completely new volcano False Obsidian is a typical natural gas True Sills are Always younger than the surrounding rocks An igneous rock formed primarily of olivine and Ca-Rich Plagiosclase is called Basalt Granite does Not contain Ca-rich plagioclase G ranite is made up of the following group of minerals Quartz, amphiboles, K-Feldspar If cooling is faster, the size of crystals in igneous rocks Decreases The rocks of the ocean floor are mostly made of BasaltWhich of the following rocks commonly forms batholiths Granite Bowmens reaction series explains igneous textures False Most recent basaltic lava is found In the Atlantic Which one of the following instrustions has the largest volume of rocks Batholith As a basaltic magma cools and crystals form, the remaining liquid becomes silicon Magma may contain some solid crystals True The small holes in many volcanic rocks are due to trapped air bubbles A stratovolcano Can produce nuee ardente Which of the following statements is true Water vapour is a volcanic gas released during eruptions. To form magma, which of the following sources is NOT needed Solar energy Shield volcanoes None of the aboveThere is a large volcanic mountain range beneath the Atlantic Ocean Yes Obsidian can provide b eautiful gems False Carbon dioxide is an important volcanic gas True Igneous rocks form at about 1,000 degree C Which mineral is least likely to be associated with an explosive volcano Olivine Submarine (underwater) laval may develop Pillows Penetration by plant roots is the most important soil forming factor in tropical forest False Soil is a necessity for life on earth True what type of headstone would weather most quickly Marble The greater stability of minerals that are formed at the Earths surface is due to Increase covalent bonds Soil profile development is affected by many processes.Which one doesnt belong Meditation Minerals that form at lower temperature from a cooling magma are generally more stable in the weathering environment True Among other things the diagram shows a diamond being cut. Is this real weathering? Yes Snow can physically weather igneous rocks most effectively under which condition snow cant do this Soil develops pedogenic layers (horizons) due to Leachin g and translocation of material Soil profiles do not develop in artic regions False In what environment does chemical weathering predominate over mechanical weathering None of the above Wind is the only erosional medium in a desert environment False What is the main cause of the characteristics fractures of exfoliation dome Pressure release Amphiboles are so liquid at the earths surface that they can never be found in sedimentary rocks.False Why is quartz more resistant to wreathing than pyroxene It has more covalent bonds A soil profile develops from the bottom upward False Which rock would weather most quickly in a hot, humid environment Basalt In desert soils, net movement of material is downward. False Examples of weathering exsist in Ontario True Which of the following is not produced by the weathering of K-Feldspar Olivine What is the process involved when minerals lose water molecules from their crystalline structure Dehydration Granite undergoes frost shattering much more e asily than dolostone False Plant roots do not penetrate deep in the tropics True Weathering usually takes place in a closed system FalseChemical weathering invariably leads to angular fragments False Continental sedimentary rocks (those not formed in the sea) are formed from minerals mostly derived from The physical breakdown of igneous and metamorphic rocks Can Ice wedging, frost shattering, sandblasting co-exist Yes Together which particle would have the highest settling velocity More spherical intermediate particles Carbonates (limestone) dissolve preferentially in Freezing cold water Saltation Type of movement of sand grains Delta sequence as seen in a core, would show, from the bottom up clay-silt-sand Plane beds form in fast moving water when either sand or gravel is present True Diagnesis starts after the sediments have been deposited To generate clastic sediments weathering, transport and deposition must occur Carbonates are most likely to occur In shallow tropical seas The reat majority of limestones are formed skeletons of invertebratae organism and algae The maximum stream velocity in a river can be measured near surface and in the middle Which of the following is a thick deposit of composed mainly of invertebrate skeletons Reef In colonial corals the individual are called Polyps Carbonization is fossilization where little or no detail can be seen True Least likely to contain fossil molds of brachiopods Conglomerate Organisms that live on the bottom of the sea are called Benthon What properties of an organism make it a good paleoenvironmental indicator sharks and turtles Brachiopod has two shells of unequal size In which rocktype are fossil casts least likely to form Granite Fossilization occurs at high alititudes False Which of the following minerals does not form a cast Pyroxene Human species have been around for 1/1,000Dolphins and fish have similar external forms convergent evolution Fossil species are defined mainly on the basis of their phys ical appearance Which of the following has the best change of being fossilized An oyster Which organism has least likely to fossilize as a cast Worm The majority of coral reefs are built in warm seas because Their skeletons persist longer in warm waters Fossils which denote specific short periods of time are called Index fossils Paleozoic corals lived mainly in warm, shallow seas Evidence of organic activity is preserved in rocks as Coprolites, trace fossils and bioturbation Trace fossils include Tracks, feces, and burrowsWhich is the most important factor affecting preservation potential Rate of burial If a mold is filled with mineral material result is Cast What is the most common means of fossilizing plants Carbonization What is the most common material forming petrified woods Silica Trilobites first evolved in Cambrian Pelecypods are generally characterised by Two shells equal size, bilateral symmetry, powerful muscles What are the subdiviso ns of the geological time scale from longest to shortest Era, Period, epoch sedimentary rocks are never older than igneous rocks False A daughter element of uranium is Lead If a bed conformably overlies another it meansno time interval is missing between them What is the approxcimate age of the oldest known rock on earth 3. billion What is the gap in the stratigraphic record called Unconformity Why did lord grand underestimate the age of the earth radioactivity had not yet been discovered Living things contain A constant % of carbon 14 in their wander Which statement best describes the principle of uniformitariainsims the present is the key to the past Radiometric dates of sedimentary particles may not represent the true age of the deposit They are reworked from older rocks Principle of fossil zonation indicates that certain fossils occur Only certain geological periods What is the most common way of determining absolute age of a rock Radioactivity What is a paleosoil-An ancient soil Sedimentary rocks are most accura tely dated using Fossils In shallow water sediments there are many time gaps If strata are vertical tilting has occurredFour primary geological ears are Precambrian, paleozoic, mesozoi and Cenzsoic Relative age is determined mainly using fossils what is needed before doing this evolutionary sequence Where is carbon 14 primarily produced Earths atmosphere The evolutionary sequence of an organism is normally found by applying principle of superposition The limbs of a syncline soak towards the center of the fold Forces that cause folding can also force thrust faults Folding of rocks can occur at great depths only the Alps formed mainly as a result of continental collision An inactive continental margin is found in Nova Scotia The beds at the core of an aniticline are Oldest and bowed downward Denudation means eroding and exposing deep-seated rocksOlder rocks are generally exposed at the centre of the eroded anticline The miogeosyncline of a mountain chain is Thrust faults Strike-slip faults move mainly-Horizontal The deepest earthquakes occur at a depth of about 700 km Orogenesis The formation of mountains A joint is a fracture plane where motion has not occurred Mid-oceanic ridges are locations of Formation of new crust Where is the earths crust thickest Beneath mountainous regions The apls are higher than the Appalachians because they are younger Dip and strike are ways to measure deformed bed The average thickness of the oceanic crust is about 8km The crustal plates movement is measured in cm/year inactive continental margins have considerable sedimentation
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